2001-05-11 - 3:13 p.m.

I've been kind of busy lately, and have returned to my paper journals, as I have just noticed that when I'm not writing, I'm far more likely to fall prey to old and/or self-defeating behavior. So I'm back to that.

Otherwise, here's what's been happening with me lately.

I've been doing a whole lot of eating lately. Dinner out every night, which is really not as glamorous as it may sound. P's long delayed bday dinner at 44 and X in Hell's Kitchen... Mmmmmm.... I highly recommend it (Drew, this means you) The food is amazing, the vibe is really great, and the waiters are way cute.

Last night we finally got in to Mary's Fish Camp as well - a newish seafood place in my neighborhood that doesn't take reservations. And it lived up to all my expectations too - we had oysters, lobster, steamers (which will be forever known to me as "piss clams" - I don't know why, but that's what my family calls them - classy, eh?) - it was really good, and the kind of place I love - small, casual,great food and not full of plastic people.

The other night, on the downtown local platform, a couple was walking towards me. The woman was pretty enough, but more striking was how "done" she was. Perfectly streaked, expensively cut, straight thick hair. The orangey from-a-bottle-tan, bleached white, perfect teeth, and a great outfit, suede Gucci loafers. She looked stylish and well put together - mind you, this is what I'm thinking as she approaches. Then, as she passed me, she LOOKED ME OVER. In a most horrifying manner. Flicked her eyes, blatantly, down to my feet and then back up. Assessing me, if you will. And there was a time when that would have me obsessing about my wild hair, and the fact that my manicure is chipped and I probably have no makeup left on. But now? I mentally flipped her the bird and went back to my book. Ha.

About once a month, I go to the regular grocery store. Gristede's. You know, for the regular stuff. And every time, some freaky guy in the cereal aisle feels the need to discuss the outrageous price of cereal with me. It's surreal, I tell you. After the third time, I started to think that maybe it was the same guy, and I just didn't remember him, since random conversations with strangers often slide from my memory bank almost immediately. But this last time, I knew it was a different one. Same type - kind of hippy-freakish, pale, tall, skinny. One of those guys that could really be either a genius or some kind of loon. But the conversation is ALWAYS the same. I'm going to start bringing my notebook, so I can make notes right after. Hell, maybe I'll make the notes during the conversation. They won't care.

I'm getting ready to head out to Park Slope to finally pick up P's painting. I have a confession - I have NEVER been to Brooklyn. Isn't that lame? I'm not a Manhattan snob, either - I just have never had any reason to go. I feel like I'm going on some big trip. I'll let you know how it goes.

Things are blissful with the boyfriend, the weather is beautiful, work is tolerable, and it's Friday. So my girls are coming in tonight, and the rest of my weekend will be filled with brunch and a party and trying to locate my passport....I'll try to be better about the updates next week.

last - next

last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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