2001-07-22 - 5:16 p.m.

So I had my niece sleep over in the city with me this weekend - we took the train in from my parents house on Saturday morning, and spent the day running around the city. She is so awesome, she's quite the city kid - bold, and unafraid, and curious.

So we went to McDonald's for lunch (she could not believe that McDonalds delivers in the city. She couldn't compute the fact that they will deliver a happy meal TO YOUR DOOR. Blew her away) then took a cab to a street fair on Park, where she carefully inspected every booth for a few blocks, as I told her I'd buy her something, and she wanted to make sure she got the best thing. So after our first pass, we sat on the curb of the median at Park and 20th, and she weighed her options: " That necklace...hmmm... No, I want the bunny." And stood up, and off we went. Had ice cream, then took the subway to the Met.

She loves the subway - and she loved the Met, which thrilled me beyond belief. My brother is not exactly Mr. Culture, and there is not a plethora of museums in Florida, so I was really glad she wanted to go. We only did the Egyptian exhibit, and the Temple of Dendur, and she loved it, and asked a million questions, and bought postcards in the gift shop, and a book about an Egyptian hippo. We decided that she would keep that book of postcards, and we would visit one thing on each trip, until we had seen everything in there. She also told me that when she grows up she's going to move to NJ, because she likes "being out in the city, and I like the grass and the fresh air and my family is there." awwww. We sat on the steps of the Met and watched the street performers, and she gave them a dollar.

Then we took a cab to her Nirvana, FAO Schwarz, and stopped in at the Plaza (we usually do tea at the Plaza, but not this time) to see the portrait of Eloise, then another subway home. We dropped off all her loot, and headed out for dinner (pizza, sitting in the window, where she commented on everything going on outside) The only close call we had was when a leather daddy walked by - leather pants, leather vest, knee high boots, leather cap, chains and handcuffs.... but she just said "WHOA! Look at that policeman! I never saw a policeman like THAT before." Whew. That was one conversation I was glad to avoid.

Then we went back to my place, where a few of my neighbors were out, one with a dog, which entertained her for about 15 minutes, then upstairs, where we danced and sang to Dancing Queen (her favorite song) and ordered in ice cream and talked about the museum. I finally got her to bed about 10:30 (very late for this almost 7 year old...) and she was out cold in two minutes.

Sunday morning my parents came in to pick her up, and we all went to breakfast, and then she left. And I spent the day doing my thing - gym, errands, read the paper in the St. Luke's garden, went out to lunch at a sidewalk cafe with my book, and got my nails done... and damn, I missed her. All day.

I love that kid. She's got the exact same personality as me, which is a little frightening.

In a good way.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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