2001-08-08 - 6:21 p.m.

I actually meant to update from my weekend, and some of the things I've seen this week - but it's been a week from hell, a week of psycho boss and 15 hour days and a general fog through which it is almost impossible to see through. Nothing seems to be making an impression, things I see and feel seem to slide right off me somehow.

I had an interesting weekend - went upstate with the boyfriend and some of his friends - two couples, one married with kids, one just dating. It was actually really fun, and I got to bond with the wife of the boyfriend's high school friend. I always feel like it's so hard to find women friends (and unfortunately she lives in New England) but I always really enjoy it when I meet a woman on my wavelength - we talked about real things, like raising a girl in this society, and marital problems, and the lessons learned through living 30 to 40 odd years. We're going to a wedding in their neck of the woods in September, so I'll get to hang out with her some more then. And she told me she's never see my boyfriend seem so happy. That he seems comfortable, and calm, and spontaneously affectionate. That I'm good for him. This is not the first time I've heard this in my life - apparently, I am "good" for a remarkable number of men. However, how about them being good for me? It gives me pause -not that the boyfriend isn't good for me, too - he is. But it disturbs me a little for some reason.

I am also now in countdown to my twice a year business trip from hell, two weeks away. Every time I go I vow to update this religiously, as it's such a stressful time for me, and of course I never do. Maybe this time.

Other than that, pretty uneventful. I had to break plans with my friend Ellen last night, due to a last minute meeting that ended up going until 10:45 last night - we rescheduled for tonight but she had to cancel. My backup plans with P also fell through (yes, I have backup plans - only because my desire to do things is far greater than my free time) so I am going to go home and do a little personal maintenance. Due to this hectic week and a weekend that lasted until the wee hours of Monday morning, I have a sinkful of dirty dishes, an unmade bed, and a pile of bills. I also need to drop off my laundry, go to the drugstore and Ricky's, and make some phone calls. The scary thing is - I'm EXCITED about it. And hey - I've been getting some strange visitors in my stats - sign the guestbook, will you?

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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