2001-08-17 - 1:05 a.m.

This morning, 6 a.m. wakeup call for a 6:45 pickup - hopped into the shower and into the car without coffee, figuring I'd get on the flight to Denver and sleep for 4 hours, since I barely got 4 hours last night. No such luck - the flight was packed, it was absolutely freezing (no blankets - no blankets for $700. Nice) so I was just under-caffienated and pissy. Got to Denver, splitting headache. Get off, in search of coffee. Get it - better. I've got an hour to kill, so I go off in search of a door so I could go outside and smoke a cigarette. Nope. Apparently there is no escaping the hell that is the United terminal at Denver. I see a sign for smoking lounge. Indoor smoking places are nasty, but I was desperate to relieve my headache, and caffeine and nicotine withdrawal were my prime suspects. So up I go, lugging my laptop, and into the most surreal place I've seen in ages. It was a gross, smokey bar type place, with pleather couches and a bar, and tall bar tables with chairs. And everyone was smoking. Greasy, lank haired guys with a days worth of stubble and high-top baseball hats, older couples with matching tapestry luggage, a few pastel sweatsuit wearing middle aged women, and about twenty college kids. Not only did I NOT have a cigarette, I almost vowed to swear off entirely. Anyway, after about a half hour on the runway I left, and arrived in Seattle tired, crabby, and with a pounding headache.(caffeine - too little, too late)

My co-worker K picked me up, we worked for a few hours, shopped a little (candles for this generic hotel I'll be calling home for the next ten days, and new lipstick) then to the hotel to check in and unpack. Which I did, down to my toiletries. And then I noticed the scaffolding outside the bedroom window. Which means construction. Which means EARLY in the morning. So I had to re-pack and move. The fun never stops in Paradise, I tell you.

Then K and I went out for sushi, and I'm back in the hotel, waiting for the boyfriend to get here (one bonus night, as he's heading to an island off the coast here with some old friends. And no, I can't go. I have to WORK. All weekend.)

Tomorrow is sure to be better. That's what I keep telling myself.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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