2001-09-26 - 3:45 p.m.

Is it too early to start thinking about the weekend? I am doing something very out of the ordinary for me - I'm having a girls weekend, at a friends cabin in.. well, in the middle of goddamn nowhere. It started out as a general conversation, that it's so hard for all my girlfriends, my lifetime girlfriends, to get together now. We're kind of scattered, most are married, some have kids, so impromptu nights out are no longer an option. We talked about getting together and going away somewhere, with no men and no kids and no ringing phones, to just sit around and eat and drink wine and smoke and well, just be together. After all this. So Jane is coming in, and we're all going up to this cabin. It's in the woods, there's a big fire pit we can build a fire in, and no phone. All good. Here's the catch. There's no electricity. And no indoor facilities. That's right, an outhouse. Now, granted, it is quite impressive for an outhouse - not bug infested, or a hole in the ground or anything. But really. Me and the outhouse, we don't really mix. I have one other girlfriend who feels this way, and we've been sending emails back and forth..... Hey, are we going to have to hunt for our food, too? How far do you think the nearest hotel is? Bar? Are there cell towers out there? Should be interesting. One big nasty spider in that outhouse at night and I'll be back in the city right quick. But I am looking forward to some time with my girls.

Last night I spent the night alone, at home. And it was really good - a little personal maintenance, and lots of phone time. I got a call from someone so random, a guy I used to know ages ago, and it's been literally 10 years since we've spoken. I knew him in my, um... wilder days, and when I picked up the phone he acted like he still talked to me weekly.

Me: "Hello?"

Him: "So what are you doing, sitting around watching Baywatch reruns?"

After 10 years, that's his opening. Love that about him. So we caught up and laughed, and he mentioned that he had been thinking of me, but wasn't sure if he should call.

Me: Why not?

Him: Well, I didn't know if you were living with someone or something, if it wouldn't be cool...

Me: B. It'll be a cold day in hell that I live with someone who monitors my phone calls

Him: (laughing) Woo hoo, girl. You've been liberated!! You're a WOMAN again!

And we talked about how the whole terrorist thing is what made him call me - I've been hearing so much about things like that, and there was a big article in the Times about it on Sunday - people reaching out to those old long-forgotten connections. So that was all good.

Tonight I'm going to see Ghost W(o)rld with the boyfriend, and tomorrow we're going to Newark to my favorite Portuguese restaurant for my Dad's birthday, and then Friday it's off to the wilderness. I guess I shouldn't bother getting a manicure and pedicure before I go.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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