2001-10-01 - 3:31 p.m.

Girls weekend at the cabin actually turned out to be pretty fun. We got there Saturday, unpacked the cars, lit the woodburning stove, and loaded up the fire pit with wood. I really wish I'd had a video camera, though. There were 4 of us who got there first, and were setting up. Getting ready for all these fires entails quite a lot of wood handling. And other than Patty, whose cabin it is, the rest of us were not so thrilled about picking up logs off that critter-infested woodpile. So Patty would be standing there pulling logs off the pile, and the rest of us would be pulling our sleeves down over our hands and making her pile the wood in our arms, so as to keep anything alive and nasty from touching us.

Once that was accomplished, we all changed into sweats, got beers and cigarettes, and sat around the firepit, in view of the lake, and caught up. We started eating at about 5, and I don't think we stopped (eating, or drinking, or smoking, for that matter) until about 11. And man, did we laugh. Except when I had to go outside and pee in the woods at 3 a.m. There was no laughing then.

Some highlights:

My friend Debbie brought her sister in law, Dana. We all know her, and she cuts the hair of a few of my friends, and also has a son that plays with their kids.....and she shocked us with this, telling a story about her younger days with her brother, now Debbie's husband....

"Oh, man, I remember one time we took a hit of mesc....in the bathroom at church." All matter of fact. And we rolled, because she is the LAST person I'd ever imagine doing drugs... or anything illegal.

Also, our friend Lauren, who just got divorced from the most fucked up man on the planet. Who has been telling her that, while they were married, he had an affair with Patty. (why yes, they do all live in Peyton Place, how'd you know?)So Patty was all drunk, and kept bringing it up.

Patty: Laur, you know he's full of shit, right?

L: Yeah, I know.

Patty: No, I mean it. He's a $@!#$ and next time I see him I'm going to spit in his face. How could he SAY that shit?

L: Patty, I KNOW it isn't true.

Patty: You do?

L: Yeah. Anyway, he told me you didn't actually have sex, you just gave him a blow job

Patty: (slurring) SEE??? SEE???? He's a fucking LIAR. Everyone knows I don't give blowjobs.

Which is true, strangely enough. She has never given her husband (or any other man, and there've been a few) oral sex. She can't give us any reason for it either. When asked why, she says "Because I'm a Roberts." Translated to: none of my sisters do it either. Frankly, I'm shocked she even found anyone to marry her.

The only down side was when the conversation turned, inevitably, to the WTC. I sat there with Jane, feeling kind of removed as I listened to them all (all of whom, with the exception of Jane, live in NJ) talk about it. Very knowingly, as well. I know there has been a lot of people struggling with their feelings, and I read that some look to identify the grief with something they can understand, to funnel it into something more personal. But I have to admit it - I'm tired of hearing people talk about it from afar. Talk about it with such determined knowledge, talk about their mothers-friends-sons-wife......enough. It's so horrible that I can't understand that kind of personalizing. I understand that this is the tragedy of a nation. I don't understand why people who didn't experience it (and I include myself in that group - I didn't personally experience it, or lose anyone close to me) insist on trying to make it closer to home. So I shut up during that part of the evening, and tried to think charitable thoughts.

Jane and I left kind of early on Sunday,and spent the afternoon at my Mom's, eating and drinking coffee and reading the paper, and then Jane dropped me at the train station in Newark, and I came up the stairs on 9th Street to pouring rain. I ended up cleaning up my apartment, heading to Jefferson Market, and coming home to make corn chowder and parmigiana sauce. Cold, rainy, and October - means the start of my Fall cooking spree.

In other news, I sent my boyfriend an email regarding a band playing, and I signed it with our customary xo. Now, this is something that HE started, when we were first dating. The thing about the boyfriend is, he likes to keep this kind of tough guy image. I can't really explain it, since he's a bit of a science geek, but suffice it to say he will dismiss certain suggestions with the tongue-in-cheek remark "I'm not going to that soft guy _______"(restaurant, bar, movie, etc)

Which he will, actually, go to, but not until he's made it clear that it's not on his tough guy agenda. So anyway, he calls me and tells me he has a confession to make. He forwarded my email to one of his male friends, and he deleted out the xo. Ha. He kills me - and it's twice as funny since he feels the need to "confess" it. Anyway, I'm rambling now so I'm ending this and going to get coffee. And not from any soft guy coffee place, either

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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