2001-10-10 - 4:25 p.m.

I played hooky on Monday and took an extra-long weekend upstate - which was actually not nearly as restful as I'd hoped. I ended up, after much bitchiness and snarking, spending Saturday hiking with the most annoying girl on the planet. Not just her, of course. The boyfriend has a friend, Al. And Al met this girl a while back, in a bar upstate, and once in a while he'd get together with her when he came up on the weekends. This was back when the boyfriend and I were still cautious, slowly getting to know each other, and after I spent one evening with Al and this girl, I wanted to run screaming from the house. It's hard to put my finger on it, but let's cut to the chase and call her the INCESSANT CHATTERER. Because that's what she does - yap yap yap yap... about nothing, for hours, in an annoying, nasal tone. Anyway, I didn't say anything to the boyfriend, because, well, I don't know why. But after a few more evenings of her, I told him that if I was forced to spend one more minute with her, blood was going to start pouring out my ears. (I'm tactful like that) So it's been a while, but this past weekend she got in touch with Al, who invited her hiking, which pissed me off. So I took it out on the boyfriend, then felt bad, so shut up and went along. I even tried to make conversation with her, because I felt bad once I saw her - ok, she's annoying as shit, but it's not like she's a bad person or anything. Anyway, turns out Al can't take her anymore either, so after the hike she leaves. And although you might think I'd be satisfied, I was still mad because I TOLD them so to begin with. Charming, no? Anyway, I did have a good time with the boyfriends brother and his girlfriend, and the foliage was great, and the Freakshow (my dog, for those just joining us) had a great time hiking and running and sleeping in the bed with us. We planted some bulbs, and cooked dinner, and I got in some reading. And my friend Jane came over on Sunday, and stayed over, so that was good. I carried some residual pissiness throughout the weekend, though I kept it pretty well hidden after Saturday.

Had a small issue-laden meltdown on Sunday night, and the boyfriend talked to me on the phone for half an hour and made me feel all kinds of better - really, I don't deserve him. At one point, he threw a nest out of his grill, and I thought I heard a baby bird, so I made him get gloves and a flashlight and look around the woods for it, and put it back into the nest. It turned out to be an adult mouse, but he undertook the mission cheerfully and uncomplainingly, since I asked him to do it. About time I had a guy like that. You'd think I'd be more appreciative, instead of torturing him about the incessant chatterer. hmmph.

One more thing - would someone please explain to me the strange compulsion I have to read the diaries of people that drive me crazy? I've been reading this diary that chronicles someone's wedding plans.... it's like a two year ordeal, with lots of descriptions and exclamation points and "my honey said.." And I read it, y'all. And make snarky comments in my head. This is seriously unhealthy, and I'm going to stop. I am. Right after I check up on what fabulous games they played at shower # 6,436. Heh.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
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she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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