2001-10-11 - 4:12 p.m.

Last night, I realized something. I can be intimidated by a paper journal. I bought a gorgeous journal in Florence, a beautiful suede bound book, in the perfect moss green color, so matte and deep you could fall into it. I love it irrationally. However. Last night I came across an old one, from the Spring of this year, and I started reading it, and DAMN. That's the kind of writing I want to do always, the kind that makes me feel like I'm hearing myself tell the story. Does that make sense? Anyway, the point is, this journal that I think is so great is a fat little Mead bungee book, with a spiral spine and a plastic cover. The writing in there is, oh, about a thousand times better than in my current oh-so-beautiful suede one. So I've decided that I must be inhibited by the nice one, and from now on will buy all my paper journals at the Village Party store for 2 bucks. Ah, well. Must be a lesson to my inner snob.

Speaking of, I also have low-rent taste in one other thing: candy. All my ex-coworkers used to tease me incessantly about it, bringing me all the nasty candy that their kids wouldn't eat after Halloween. Candy corn, pixie sticks, circus peanuts. To this day I've never met another adult who will eat those radioactive orange peanut shaped things.

It's been an extremely unproductive day today, started out this morning being stuck on the uptown 9 train for over half an hour - and let me tell you, people are not cool about being stuck on a train these days, understandably. However, cursing and muttering and pacing aren't much help to the rest of the riders. Been goofing off at work, reading journals and trying to buy I Heart NY cookies for all my out-of-state friends' kids. Trying, because they keep kicking me off their damn site. I'm about to cut out and meet the Chicken Soup Guy for a drink, then meeting the boyfriend and heading to the Y@nkee game. Should be interesting.

note to self: stop with the candy corn already. Sugar high not good for diary entries.

One more thing: the burning smell is back in my neighborhood. Last night very strongly, this morning not so much. Ugh.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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