2001-10-12 - 1:45 p.m.

Well. I wanted to write about the game last night, and how the only thing we had to do in terms of extra security was show our picture ID's, (um, and what the hell does that prove?) no metal detector, no bag search, nothing. Hmmmm.

However, it doesn't appear that I'll have time to do that, because they are closing my office. News leaked out that a staffer at NBC has been infected with anthrax (infected? is that right?)And the city is responding - evacuated the Times building, closed down 43rd Street, and shut down the mailrooms of all the major TV networks.One of my co-workers already left, and called me on my cell phone to tell me that the block around Penn St@tion is filled with soldiers, and all alternate entrances are blocked off. Why we are closing this office is beyond me, but there you have it. I'm staying until they kick me out (what's the difference if I'm here or 30 blocks downtown, really?) but I figured I'd get this in quickly.

Am leaving tonight to go upstate - prime foliage weekend, I'd think. And although it is a nice getaway from the city, the resevoir for NYC's water supply is up there, and that's guarded too. I'm going to go out and get good and drunk tonight.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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