2001-10-16 - 5:52 p.m.

Ok, I'm caving. Here's my answers to :

The Chazztown Collective Survey


1. In your past life, what popular military dictator were you? Attila the Hun

2. You just pissed off you significant other. How do you make it up to them? Sweetness, sucking up, and if all else fails.... um, oral sex?

3. Gimme your favorite city in the world. Why now would you choose that city? Where would you hang out there? Right here, NYC. What other city is there?

4. I'm serving for dinner tonight rack of lamb. What type of wine do you suggest I serve with it? Brunello, no question. Mmmmmm, Brunello...

5. Regular or decaf? High test

6. What are you wearing to your funeral? My usual - black pants, black hooded top - and maybe a tiara

7. At said funeral, what would you like to say about the deceased? (That being you) Damn, I'll miss her.

8. Who is the coolest MothaFucka who's ever lived? (It's okay if you don't answer Sinatra, I won't hold it against you...)Lyle Lovett. I don't care what you all say - he's one cool mothafucka.

9. What becomes of the broken hearted? They end up living alone in some nameless city with dozens of cats...note to self: NO CATS.

10. When's the last time you were really kissed? I mean, really good and kissed? That would be Sunday night.

11. What's the cruelest thing you've ever done, you bastard? Did you feel guilty about it? Do you even hav it in your icy heart to feel guilty? It's a toss up - I once left a long-distance boyfriend in Miami in the middle of our first vacation together, with no explanation. Sorry, Bryan. I also once snapped all the pecan legs off the office martyr's Christmas cookies, resulting in said martyr spending hours with a paintbrush and warm chocolate to re-attach them. Oh, the guilt. Lawd, the guilt.

12. And what's your greatest phobia? Being trapped.

13. Ever been to a therapist? Why? D-I-V-O-R-C-E

14. Revenge: Insult or Injury? Injury

15. I want to piss you off. How do I go about doing that? Easy. Stonewall me when I'm pissed off. I flip right out.

16. Godzilla and King Kong are duking it out. Who do you bet on? King Kong

17. You come to another funeral. Apparently, God is dead, and He left you nothing in his will. What will you say for His eulogy? I'm not touching this one.

18. Ever danced with The Devil in the pale moonlight? Was he a Cha-Cha man, or more of a Tango fellow? YUP. His minions might be tangoers, but Satan himself is a Cha-cha man.

...and finally,

19. How are you doing today? I'm pretty damn happy, all things considered.

Link stolen from my man

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