2001-10-17 - 12:06 p.m.

This morning, I walked to work. And the passenger of a commercial truck, waiting at a red light, leaned out the window and yelled at me, "wooooo MAMI... I want you to suck my d*!k."

And here's what I want to know. Does this ever work? Does some girl walking down the street ever yell back "PULL OVER!!! I was just thinking to myself that I'd like nothing more than to give a random blow job this morning. And to a dirty assistant truck driver, particularly! Today must be my lucky day!" Christ.

Oh, what's that? They don't really expect anyone to take them up on it? Oh, so the purpose is just to degrade the woman? Well, that's ok, then. Listen, I can appreciate the occasional construction worker cat call, or a low whistle from a guy on the street. But suck my d*!k? - sorry, I have to object. Maybe I look like a hooker and I don't know it.(E? Do I look like a hooker?)

Anyway, on my way home last night I finally stopped in at the cookbook store across from my apartment - I always pass it, and am a sucker for independent bookstores of any sort, but she keeps strange hours, so I haven't been in yet. And it was amazing - got to talking with the owner, who I recognized from the Crackwhore meetings, and she told me that both her landlord and mine keep the commercial rents low in order to keep bookstores in the building. How cool is that? I know that it's because a bookstore is a good tenant - no water problems, no food (=no roaches or mice), no booze. But I prefer to think they're supporting the independents. Let me have a few illusions, will you? Anyway, she told me she was trained to be a fashion illustrator, but started editing cookbooks for a publisher, and then opened the shop, and now she does both. Hmmmm. If she can do it... I might have to talk to her about it some more. And if anyone is looking for old or rare cookbooks, let me know. She even has a first edition Mrs. Beeton. We talked about our favorite food writers, the evil of B&N, and I played fetch with the dog. I might like a life like that.

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