2001-10-31 - 4:19 p.m.

Last night I was flipping through the channels on tv, and I came across one of several porn channels on my cable network. So I watched it for a bit, it was already in the middle so I don't know what it was called. And I had a very strange reaction. I got all pissed off. Here's why. There was a guy having sex with a girl, then another girl came in. And this guy was, um, pleasuring both of them. But that's not what pissed me off.

The girls (and I use that term loosely) were bleach blonde, false-eyelashed and lip-glossed, naked except for choker necklaces, sporting the usual big ole plastic boobs and extensive hair removal. The guy? Nasty, ugly, beer-gutted hairy middle aged guy with a gold chain, man boobs, and a really bad comb-over.

How is this fair? Apparently, as a woman, if you want the esteemed title of porn star, you must undergo hair and makeup and plastic surgery and painful waxing. However, if you're a guy, all you have to have is the right equipment. And that is just bullshit. If this guy wasn't a porn star, he wouldn't be getting laid AT ALL, let alone by two silicone enhanced blondes. (well, unless he was paying for it.) But in cable soft-porn land, all you need is a penis.

Which pisses me off royally. Because it's like that in real life, isn't it? Do you ever see a bunch of unattractive, sloppy women standing around critisizing random men's bodies or looks? No you don't. I can't even begin to count the times I have seen greasy haired guys in baseball caps, guts hanging over their sweatpants, checking out women and making such endearing comments as, "Yeah, she ain't bad, but she could stand to lose a few pounds." or "She's pretty hot, too bad she's flat as a board."

And I say, bite me. If penis enlargements, six pack abs, body waxing and hair plugs were requirements for ANY job, you can be sure no men would be applying.

Ok, that's my rant for the day. I was planning on taking this a little further, but I'm tired of the topic already. I have decided to throw all caution to the wind and go to the World Series tonight. (Since NONE of you gave me any input in my guestbook. Why y'all want me to beg?) Wish me luck.

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