2001-11-26 - 3:56 p.m.

I had a rough start this morning, out in NJ. Didn't sleep too well last night, the whole time I've been away, actually. Woke up groggy and tired, and it took way longer than I expected to get everything done (animal care, bed making, bag packing, dishwasher running) so I ended up walking to the train station, an hour later than I should have been. It's a beautiful sunny day here, and the sky was bright blue and cloudless. I walked through the park by the river, and stopped for a minute to look at the waterfall, and the view of the river with gold-leaved trees hanging over it, and a gaggle of geese, that look so handsome when you see them from afar and can't see all the goose shit and the aggressive honking and following they do. I got a cup of coffee at my used-to-be-regular diner across from the station, and sat on the bench on the platform, enjoying the weather and my general sense of well-being, and wrote in my journal a bit.

And I'm giddily happy to be home, back in the city after more than a week. I made some plans to meet Drew tomorrow night for a drink. I also got an email from a college friend of mine, and we made some plans to go to yoga then out for sushi next week. This makes me happy, as I need both more yoga and more girlfriends in my life these days. Tonight I will go out and have dinner with the boyfriend in the East Village, and tomorrow I'm going out to Park Slope with Jerry for an extended lunch with our friend Ike.

And I'm feeling good, and social, and hopeful, and more than a little thankful.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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