2001-12-02 - 3:31 p.m.

Sunday morning. We got up late, after a night out at the locals bar, and then the boyfriend got ready to do his long list of things : work, clean gutters, go for a run. I decided to head to Woodstock, to hit the bookstore and maybe do some Christmas shopping, and just get a little alone time in an unfamiliar place.

Ah, Woodstock. The boyfriend isn't a big fan, thinks it's too commercial and touristy, but I say, hey, at least they don't have a Starbucks. So I showered and headed out, alone. I parked the car, and spent a few happy hours wandering around, drinking coffee, shopping for books, and having lunch in a great little hippy restaurant, with 'Holidays On Ice' for company. I wandered into some art galleries, and spent some time perusing the "artist's house" listings at the realtors office. I bought some books and a new yoga mat, and checked out all the new age stores and the photo gallery co-op, and a bunch of little boutiques. I noticed that pretty much the entire town smells like patchouli. Ugh. In the Town Hall, I stopped in to check out the gem and mineral show (why? I don't care about gems and minerals, but it was there, so I went) and they had incense burning in the bathroom! That's a first. It was actually a great day, and good to be outside, although it was much too warm to feel like Christmas time.

But, I found something awesome. A desk, painted a deep rich purple, with a blond wood top. I took one look at it, and immediately decorated an entire room (that I don't have) around it - a colorful room with white walls and artwork and sun streaming through the windows and that beautiful, gorgeous, perfect desk for me to write at. It was $1800, which is a ridiculous sum for a stupid desk, but still. I dreamed about it that night, I swear.

Also, on Saturday night, we went out to the local bar. And in the course of conversation, I mentioned to the boyfriend, for the first time, that I have been doing some writing. And I asked him what he thought about that, and he looked me right in the eye and said, "I think it's great. I think if someone has something to say, they should say it." And he's right, of course. I do have something to say (other than this drivel, I mean) and I think it's about time I started in on it. The problem is that I lack discipline.

And not just in my writing, either. Heh.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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