2001-12-19 - 6:06 p.m.

I'm not sure what it says about me that I am so happy during what should be a stressful time. I had lunch with a few of my old co-workers today between interviews, and they all marvelled at how good and well, happy, I look. I haven't had any good responses on my sugar-daddy posting, but much is happening on the job front.

I got an offer that I'm fairly interested in - it has some potential and will be a challenge, but I'm not so keen on the company.

I went on a great interview today, I ended up meeting three different people, one of whom I was pleasantly surprised to find I was already acquainted with. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, this is the one that feels best.

And there is one more job I've heard of, still in its infancy, that I'm working on, but which probably won't be filled until January.

So. Lots of decisions, none of which I want to deal with right now. I've been really good at working and goofing off alternate days, and tomorrow is OFF! Although I am grateful that I'm getting responses in this horrible economy. I will be sending out LOTS of thank you gifts once I land somewhere.

For now, I'm going to remain on the austerity budget - spending money on yoga and finishing my Christmas shopping but not much else. I tried a new yoga center last night, and I really liked it. The studio is a bit rundown and makeshift, but I really loved the class, and tonight I'm still feeling lose and relaxed and like my breath comes easier. So I'm going to try it out for a while. I'll eat peanut butter sandwiches if I have to, but I need the release of yoga and unfortunately lack the discipline to do it on my own.

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting in my apartment, online, with the windows open. And I heard a man on the street, singing American Pie at the top of his lungs, and pretty well. I suddenly felt the impulse to run to the window and sing, loud, along with him. But I didn't, and I'm pissed about it. I think the day I actually do that will be the day I become who I want to be. Hm.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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