2002-01-04 - 4:09 p.m.

I was sitting in my apartment after lunch with Jo, reading journals and checking my credit card balance, and my cell phone rings, and it's P. He tells me that he's outside my window: "can't you hear my whistle???" Whistles for me. Like I'm a dog. So I go to the window, and ask him if he wants to come up, but he says he has to go back to work. We have the following conversation, me leaning on the windowsill, him down on the street.

P: I just came from the gym, and I had the BEST workout. Oh my god, I feel amazing. And I LOOK even better!

Me: What did you do?

P: I don't know, I was just really into it, I finally get the whole endorphin thing, 'cause I feel fabulous. I wish you were there.

Me: Not enough to call me to go, though.

P: Yeah, like you'd make an appearance.

Me: You don't have to just GIVE UP! Just like that, like I'm a lost cause.

P: You are a lost cause.

Me: You gonna meet my Mom and I tomorrow?

P: Maybe in the afternoon, I have to drop the dog off at 1.

Me: Or in the morning. Coffee or breakfast.

P: Ok, maybe we can go to..

Me: P. This is ridiculous. Come up or call me later

P: Ok, call you later.

This is my life. My social interaction now consists of yelling out the window like an old fishwife.

But today, walking home from lunch, I stood on the east corner of 6th Avenue and Waverly, looking at the W@verly Restaurant with its neon lights, and the wide-eyed plastic owl that looks right at you from the window on the second floor. And it occured to me that if you stay in NY long enough, and stay away from the tourist traps, filled with people just like you, from somewhere else, and if you look at the city in the mornings, and in the sunny afternoons, and in the sparkly evenings, if you walk down the quiet streets and watch what goes on around you, you can sometimes actually feel the pulse of the city beneath your feet. And I don't really know how to describe that.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
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she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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