2002-01-09 - 1:41 p.m.

My interview for today, for the job I really want, got cancelled. This is bumming me out in a huge way, but am trying hard not to spin it into neuroses. This was the last one I have scheduled, and the one I really wanted. And now, it's been postponed. There are apparently some issues with the transition of companies, and they are running a little behind. They've not yet hired a President for the company, which they'd expected to have done by now. So.

I'll find out more tomorrow, but I can't wait indefinitely. If it looks like there's no sense of urgency, I'll have to full-time pursue the other job with this line. It's kind of disappointing, though, and now makes me feel like I may come out of this little follow-my-gut leap of faith with nothing. And I so wanted this to be some turning-point, self-affirming lesson where I would learn to trust my instincts, and then things would be easier. Heh.

In other news, the boyfriend and I have been talking about living together. Not doing it, just talking about the possibility. I told him that I absolutely cannot do it while I'm in this situation, that I have to get a job and get settled and used to it, and then we could do it. (which is a philosphy that my friend Jerry, for the life of him, cannot understand. He told me last night that he is not even going to attempt to enter the labryinth of my mind that created that little rule) I can't do it now, when I'm not, technically, taking care of myself. I need to be up on my own two feet before I can feel good about making a decision like that. I'd always be worried that I did it for the wrong reasons, that I did it because it was the easy thing to do. I don't want to make decisions about changing this happy, hard-won life unless I'm thinking clearly.

Problem is, that may be never.

I went out this morning to help Brad give P's dog some medicine. P is off on a fabulous tropical vacation, and the dog hurt himself and has to be given pain medicine. Brad called me in a panic this morning, so I put my hair up and put some jeans on and went to Charles Freaks to buy some cheese. I then went to the store, and proceeded to show Brad the very technical and complex method of giving a dog medicine. Buy some soft cheese, push the pill in the middle, smoosh the cheese around it so it's not visible, and feed it to the dog. Duh. So now I think he'll be able to handle it on his own, although I am on call for tonight's dose.

And now I'm going to call some people and whine about my interview.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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