2002-01-20 - 1:30 p.m.

sunday afternoon. It snowed a few inches last night, and we sat in the Cedar T@vern and watched the football game and the snow out the window. This morning is sunny and warm, though, so the streets and the sidewalks are bare. We went out for breakfast at 10 this morning, and there was still snow on the trees and fences, but it's almost like it never happened, now.

I've been kind of crabby with the boyfriend this weekend, I don't know why. My fuse is short and my nerves feel close to the skin, and I'm snapping at him and pushing him away. I know it's me, me not feeling so great about me these days, but I'm not sure how to stop it.

And apparently it's not just him I'm irritating towards. I talked to my Mom on the phone today, and in the middle of our casual chitchat she said, "You really hurt my feelings the other day, and now I feel like I'm walking on eggshells and I didn't even know if I should tell you."

Sigh. Here's what happened. I called her at work to talk the other day, and ended up on the phone with my friend Patty for a while (she works with my Mom) When she transferred me to my mother, she picked up the phone and asked me what was new. I said nothing and she said, "Oh. I thought maybe you were calling to tell me you took a job."

I know she didn't mean anything by it, but as all you other unemployed d-landers know, you really don't need to hear about it. You know, AT ALL. I do enough self-flagellation on a daily basis, and "oh, I thought you might have a job," rings with reproach in my ears, deliberate or not.

So I sighed heavily, and told her that I was sorry, that I know she didn't mean anything by it, but if I had a job she'd know it. I don't need any reminders. She's very sensitive, my mother. And that 'I wasn't going to say anything...' As lovely as my family is, they are notorious confrontation-avoiders. I am a confrontation-haver. Obviously this sometimes means hurt feelings on some parts, and frustration on others (mine!) I cannot understand my mother talking to me about a family issue, saying that she doesn't know what to do and she's worried and not sleeping. Um, how about you CALL THE PEOPLE INVOLVED and find out? I try to explain it to her, "Mom, he's your BROTHER. Call him and tell him how you feel. Do you think for one second that if I was angry at Chris (my brother) that I wouldn't call him and talk about it? Jeez.

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. It's a beautiful one, sunny and warm, and I'm going out to play with P. Later.

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