2002-01-24 - 12:07 p.m.

actually went to the gym this morning, fighting my inner sloth every step of the way. I wake up, and decide to go to the gym. Then I actually got up, went to make coffee, and the sloth said, you have to eat before you go to the gym. I ate some nasty cereal (anyone have any suggestions on healthy cereal that doesn't taste and feel like twigs and bark? Leave it in the guestbook, willya? thanks) and the sloth told me to put the TV on, which I did. I got up to get dressed, and the sloth said, you have cramps. I put on my sneakers, and the sloth said it's raining and miserable outside, and you don't even know where your gym pass is... but finally I beat it into submission and headed out, CD in hand, to try to alleviate the relentless boredom of the cardio workout with a new concept for me, headphones. I get to the gym, and ask the girl at the counter what the deal is with the built-in TV and CD player on the machines, and she tells me you buy them there. So I asked how much, and she said $6.50. I feel around in my pockets, and all I have is $5. Now, my apartment is literally on the opposite corner from the gym, but I just didn't feel confident that I could beat back the sloth in a second round. I said, "Damn!" And the girl said, "how much do you have?" I said, "$5. I guess I'll go home and come back - I haven't had my sorry ass in this gym in two months, and I don't think I can face it without the music." She smiled and said, "the employee price is $4.50. I'll get them for you." I almost kissed her, I swear. And I ran on the treadmill for 25 minutes, and it wasn't so bad. I need to go get some more inspirational workout music though. Lun@, Elvis, and Ett@ James aren't going to work for long.

I came home, showered, and am taking a little computer time with a cup of coffee, before meeting Joanne for lunch, and a manicure and pedicure at 2. The boyfriend just called on his way to the airport - he's away until Tuesday. In the past we've been separated more frequently - a week in Florida for me, a four day music weekend for him, and my insane three week West Coast business trips. And by the way, I don't miss that shit AT ALL. Although they weren't all bad, I got to see Seattle and I got to meet Eloi. Anyway, my point is, I'm really going to miss him this time. Hmm.

I also have the TV on while I'm writing this - tomorrow on E they are running a special on professional cheerleaders: behind the scenes. I am going to try to resist watching this with all my might, but I seem to have a sick compulsion to watch programs sure to whip me up into an indignant, frothing, frenzy. Heh.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
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she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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