2002-02-02 - 6:58 p.m.

I finally got some decent sleep last night - slept in until 10:30, and had to drag myself out of bed then. Feel a little better today, despite the fact that I accidentally poured orange juice instead of milk in my first cup of coffee. Not a very auspicious beginning. But I ran out to get a present for Monica's baby shower today, and I ended up getting a very cool diaperbag/backpack in black nylon from the Gap. Her husband will be watching the baby during the day, and I figured he could use it too. It was quite a big hit, although one girl said it was a very "NY" gift because it has pockets for Mommy's cellphone and Palm Pilot, and is black. But really, who the hell wants to carry around a mint green plastic bag with sheep on it? I also bought heart underwear and camisole for my niece, and baseball boxer shorts for my nephew, which will be totally hysterical on his little 3 year old self, with his big belly. Wrapped everything, mailed the kids stuff, and headed to Gramercy for the baby shower. I didn't leave until about 20 of, and thought I might be late, but I got there in 10 minutes and went into the drugstore on the corner to kill a little time.

Cheap chain drugstores are like crackhouses to me. I'm strangely comforted by them, and find myself lingering over the cheap makeup and the Bonne Bell lipsmackers and the hair products. I check out the travel size section, browse among the lotion, marvel at all the crap they come up with to clean, exfoliate, depilate and rejuvenate your skin. I cruise the stationary aisle, looking at cheap notebooks to use for journal, and good pens. I smell the candles, and look for coloring books, and bounce the pink spaldeen balls from my childhood. I look at the wrapping paper selection, and the books. (A senseless quirk of mine: I will never buy books from a drugstore. It offends some sense of propriety in me) And then I left, buying nothing. Such a strange ritual, but it soothes me, wherever I am.

The shower was nice, very small, and in the apartment recently purchased by Monica's sister-in-law and her partner. Two of her friends work for M@rtha, so there were hand-knitted baby hats and blankets (me, holding up the blanket: Man, I gotta get some new friends.)and little games with grosgrain ribbon, and handmade paper dolls, and some weird-ass mini theme: everything was tiny. Tiny plastic plates and children's plastic forks and knives, and tiny sandwiches and mini oreos and little bruschetta. Vegetables cut in bite size pieces. Teeny napkins. It was kind of freaky, to be honest. Oh. And rice krispie treats, cut into little squares - I had 20.

Came home, talked to my Mom, cleaned the floor, did the dishes, changed my sheets. The wild life. And now I'm going to the East Village for dinner, and then probably home, as neither of us is feeling great. Hope somebody out there's living it up on Saturday night.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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