2002-02-08 - 6:20 p.m.

I think this first week of adjusting to work has kicked my ass. I haven't really been able to get it together, and there were alot of things I wanted to do this week that I didn't get to do, like getting together with Dawn, having dinner with P, and going downstairs to my bookstore to hear Todd S0londz speak. Alas, those things never happened. Neither did the gym, but you already knew that, right?

I have a ton of stuff to write about, but no time to do it. Work is good, I really like the people, but I can't really be updating from there. I had a small freakout from being confined to this teeny space with the boyfriend for too many days in a row. I ran into two different people who I haven't seen in 10 years. One of them was a guy, and although I recognized his face (cute) and even his name, I could not figure out where the hell I know him from. We talked about the fact that it's been 10 years, and still I can't place him. Short term memory's the first thing to go, they say.

I have been in contact with Becky, which was unexpectedly amazing! If you don't read her, go do it now. I want to sit and have coffee and smoke cigarettes for days with her. I went to see Black Hawk D0wn, and to see a crazy hillbilly bluegrass band at the B0ttom Line, and I've organized a girls weekend in March. I called my houseman to reinstate him since I'm working again, and he hasn't called me back yet, so I'm very nervous about that. If he's been snatched up by a socialite to be her actual houseman, I will be a bitter woman.

The weather here is amazing, it feels like spring and I feel my spirit rising in the balmy evenings. The other day a street person opened his coat in front of me and then proceeded to try to wrap me up in it with him. People have been bumping into me on the street with alarming frequency, and I'm one bump away from losing my shit on someone. Oh, and the other day my horoscope told me that it was the perfect time to start recognizing the desire to go back to school. It said to just send away for a course book, and I might be inspired to sign up for one. And so I did.I had a few moments of longing for my old house, I sent some random valentines to a few of my friends, and I've been getting up early and feeling good, although a bit frazzled. I'm even excited about travelling a little for this new job. And being in the office with these people is an absolute blast. There will be a character description forthcoming.

So alot is going on, and maybe next week I'll be together enough to write about it.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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