2002-02-13 - 2:50 p.m.

Today. Well, let me start with a little last night:

10:30 pm: I return home from dinner, drinks at a neighborhood dive, and a viewing of her picture in the paper for the Fri@rs Club (posted in the local diner), with my friend Deb. Return home to find the boyfriend doubled over in stomach spasms on the couch, sick again - this time, something intestinal.

11:30 pm: Boyfriend projectile vomiting in the bathroom, really sick but refusing the emergency room, which is located exactly 3 blocks from here. Have I mentioned that my cleaning stud has not returned to me. Uh, yeah. Cleaning up vomit. Perfect.

Midnight: remove contacts, wash face, go to bed. Mind immediately starts spinning, as yesterday I received an unexpected phone call with the offer of that job I really, really wanted while I was unemployed. While I was sitting there, berating myself for taking this job because they were making me go on that trip from hell. Just like that. I accepted, on the spot. Begin dreading the idea of quitting your brand-new two week old job.

2:15 am: Woken by restless, clammy sick boyfriend. Go to bathroom, return to bed, begin running possible quitting scenarios through head. Am filled with sickening dread at each of them..

3:30 am: Still no sleep, checking clock neurotically, kick boyfriend who moves to couch..

3:45 am: Decide that if I burn this bridge it will immediately send my career into a fiery downward spiral..

4:15 am: All former errors of judgement rush into brain. Kick sheets, roll over, change pillows,try yoga breathing, curse..

5 am: Boyfriend returns to bed, debate going to gym, try to get a little sleep..

7:30 am: Alarm, shower, manage to not throw up from nerves and exhaustion, dress, leave for work early to meet with boss privately..

8:30 am: Smoke 10 cigarettes between subway and office. Call Mom and P for moral support. Arrive at office to find NO ONE there. Curse, drink cofee, smoke cigarettes, call friends on cell phone.

9:30 am: Still no boss, fight nausea, feel guilty during cigarette break with soon-to-be-former coworker, feel doubly guilty when girl from office gives me food..

11 am: Boss comes in, I ask to see her. Worked into a frenzy by now, immediately blurt, "I'm resigning." Very smooth. Am professional, brief her on pending issues, show her contacts and projects and folders. Refer someone to replace me, SET UP INTERVIEW for her for today. Offer to stay until Friday if she wants..

11:15 am: Much whispering and closed doors in office. Horribly uncomfortable, though the end is mercifully quick..

noon: Go to my fabulous NEW office, check out my NEW computer and my NEW line and see my friends. Decide on start date of February 26 - almost 2 weeks away!!!!.

Now: Home. Sun shining through the window. The job I wanted, really, really wanted, just when I needed it, just like that. Crazy, ridiculously excited. More tomorrow..

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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