2002-02-23 - 11:11 p.m.

I went to P's this morning for our long-postponed trip to the Fr1ck Collection. We hopped the 6 uptown to the museum, but first I was whining about breakfast, so we went to a little French cafe. I ordered French toast and coffee, from the impossibly stylish maitre'd woman, and when it arrived it was a plate of bacon and French fries. I mean, I'm a pig, but French fries and bacon is a bit much even for me.

So we went to the Frick, and I don't even know what to say about it. It was hard for me to remember that it was once someone's HOME, filled with all that art. It's a really amazing setting, with a breathtaking indoor courtyard with fountains and sculpture and paintings on loan from the Whitneys. After about an hour, P had to leave, but I stayed on for about two more. The El Greco of St. Jerome really almost brought me to tears, and there was a Corot, who I was unfamiliar with, so filled with light that I sat in front of it, silent, for 20 minutes. What an outrageous way to spend a Saturday morning. I went to the gift shop and bought postcards, even. And the place itself is art, would be a museum even if there weren't Renoirs and Vermeers on the walls. I don't really know much about art, except what I've picked up in museums. I can't discuss technique, or progression or influence. But I stop at what touches me, and try to absorb it. I know that if you stand in front of a Vermeer for a while, you can feel the light, see it as he saw it. I know that Renoir tells me a story, and I learned today that Whistler can transport me to the ocean. I'll never get into the mechanics of it, and I have no taste for art history, except in small doses. But I feel lucky to have seen all these masterpieces, with my own eyes. In Europe, and at home in NY. Self-education in an elevated form.

I walked home, from Central Park to Washington Square, a trillion blocks. I stopped at the makeshift used book stand in front of the park at 60th, and bought 2 books for 6 bucks. Sweet. I tried to do a little shopping, but since I've been off so long, I've forgotten what happens on Saturdays in NY, especially in nice weather. Tourists. Millions of them. And students. I tried to go into a giant chain toy store, until I saw the checkout line. I tried to go to an office supply store, same. Union Square - packed. V1rgin Superstore - couldn't even get in. I'm going to be in for a major adjustment when I have to go back to doing all my errands on the weekend. So I headed back to my own neighborhood, and I walked across town on 8th Street so I could stop at R1cky's for conditioner. I had myself a good laugh at the punky little suburban kids from NJ, with their baby faces and their baggy jeans and their cigarettes, trying to be tough and menacing passersby. They don't know that gangstas don't have their daddy's Visa in their pockets.

I stopped at Mac to replace the compact that I accidently dropped over the railing in my stairway, smashing the powder to bits. It took a little bit longer than it should have, though, since the guy could NOT understand why I wanted him to recycle my old one, without saving it until I had six. Mac has a policy that if you return 6 empty containers, you get a new lipstick. All very well and good, but I am an old lady and I remember when you used to get one every time you recycled a container. Which was probably wreaking havoc with their profit margin, so they changed it to 6. Or 5, whatever. Counting on the fact that there are slackers like me who can't be bothered to save them up, free lipstick be damned. So I had to explain that I was, in fact, asking him to do something which would be GOOD for Mac, although it may be against the rules. He could not comprehend this. So I went on to explain that although I would love a free lipstick, who wouldn't, I am unwilling to devote precious storage space to empty makeup containers. You think I'm kidding? If I buy a new shirt, one goes. About 5 times a year I put a bag of books in the hallway of my building for my neighbors to take. Can't keep 'em, no room. And strangely enough, I LIKE this.

Had dinner with a friend, and am now home, in my pajamas, drinking B@lducci's Own Blend. I'm burning an amazing candle, Clean Cotton. It smells just like clean laundry. Hey, I miss doing laundry. Seriously. Today was another blissful one. Oh, and one more thing. I got a check today, a week's paycheck, from my new company. They must be paying me just for the pleasure of it. Heh. Guess I'll have to call them. Sure would like to deposit it, though.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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