2002-02-25 - 9:02 p.m.

The night before my first day at my new job. I feel like a kid before the first day of school - I thought about what to wear, I got my nails done, and I moved all my stuff from the old bag to the new one. I'm staying in tonight, and am going to try to get to bed at a reasonable hour, although I know from experience that I won't get much sleep. However, this time I won't be worrying about hating it. I'm still excited, although I already heard about some office drama, concerning someone I know there. I really hope she doesn't try to corner me and vent on my very first day.

Yesterday morning I went out to H0boken to have breakfast with my friend Ellen. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm, and I walked to her apartment from the train station. We went, with her sister, to a little Cuban place around the corner. Ellen's sister just spent a year in Spain, teaching English to 5th graders, so I got to hear all her stories. And I'm glad for that, because otherwise I would have had to listen to Ellen's neuroses nonstop. Although she'd wound down by the early afternoon, and she and I went shoe shopping and for coffee and then she walked me back to the train. And we had a long talk about the situation with my boyfriend and his friends. She summed it up perfectly - she called it the Post Thirty Single Bar Culture. If I were C@rrie Bradshaw, I'd write a column about it. It is a subculture of its own, and I wonder if it exists in all big cities. It always seems to me that people stay single longer in this town. I don't know if that's some effect of the city itself, or that single people migrate here. But it was really good to have someone understand me, and she understood it PERFECTLY. Because she and I did it ourselves, years ago. Only we were in our twenties. It was a good morning, and I was back in the city by 3. Had a good, quiet night with the boyfriend, out to dinner and then home to read the paper and watch 0z.

And today I read for hours, and wrote a little, and went out for breakfast. I had my laundry done, and had a drink with Jerry and our friends Jeff and Sara. So it was a good weekend, and tomorrow is a brand new start. I can hardly wait.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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