2002-02-26 - 9:02 p.m.

I LOOOOOVE my new job. Already. The truth is, I've been doing this shit for a long time. The work? Well, the work's pretty much the same, no matter what the line is. But here's what happens in the life of a fashion line. (I know you don't care, I don't really care either, but bear with me) At first, when the designer is young and struggling, everyone is rolling up their sleeves, learning as they go. The first time a store buys your product, it's a celebration! And the company, at this point, reflects the designers point of view. So usually, it's creative and artistic and kind of haphazard, but also cool and fun and full of energy. But as a company gets bigger, things change. Eventually, the cool and artistic who created the product must now add to the mix some business people. Talking about your vision is inspiring, but eventually the customer wants to know how you plan to run a profitable business. And in the beginning, it doesn't matter, because the line is HOT and people forgive your mistakes.

I worked for one of the top three big volume designers in the country, and it was the worst fucking job I ever had. Basically, all I did was the business - number crunching, management meetings, reporting and projecting and financial planning.Not nearly as glamorous as you might think. And a CPA I'll never be. But this company is just perfect. Big enough to need some business acumen (and therefore a position for me) but small enough that the office still has that palpable excitement, it's still cool and creative and roll-up-your-sleeve-ish. Big enough for flat screen desktops and a beautiful office, small enough to keep it about the product, and not the numbers.

So I'm happy happy happy. The staff is extremely diverse, and the environment is laid back, and there's candy and good coffee and a window in my office. Things are good.

I ordered in sushi tonight, from my second-favorite sushi place. My first favorite doesn't deliver. Bastards. Anyway, one time I ordered in, and the delivery man got here in about 5 minutes flat, in a torrential downpour. When I got downstairs, he was flattened up against the door, trying to get some protection from the teeny little overhang. Despite this, he was so happy and smiley that I gave him a pretty big tip. And now, every time he comes, I get down there and he's lit up like a Christmas tree, smiling and calling me by my name, in anticipation of his tip, I suppose. So now I feel morally obligated to continue the big tipping. Heh. I'm sitting here eating toro, which Eloi introduced me to in Seattle. Mmmmm, toro.

I had a drink tonight with some friends after work, and Jerry told me that he was reading an article on Eve Ens1er, and he thought of me when she said, "I've just focused my energy. EVERYTHING used to make me angry, I was spread too thin." He thinks that perhaps I should focus on just one giant soap box, instead of getting all indignant about a million things. He may have something there - but how, in the midst of such rampant stupidity, can I possibly choose just ONE?

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
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she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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