2002-03-28 - 9:25 p.m.

News flash. I typed the Charles entry last night, but forgot to email it to myself at work, so didn't post it until tonight.

This morning, however, I promised myself some yoga tonight. I cancelled my plans with D&G, which included apartment-seeing and drinks and dinner and just too much, so instead I opted for plan B and got online to find a class for tonight. I was checking out the classes at my old studio, that I abandoned after Charles left, and guess what I saw? Monday night, 6:00, Power Yoga. Charles. He's back! And you're damn right I'm going. See? Just the push I need to get back to it. Things do work out after all.

This morning I walked to the post office to pick up my package. I sat in the subway station at Houston Street, beneath the blue and green tiled fish mural, and looked at it. It was kind of beat up, and there was a little tear in it, but I resisted looking. Got to my stop, got some coffee, and went to my office to open it. Becky, goddess that she is, sent me Girl Snout cookies!!!Thin Mints! And today, the day before I turn 35, I had cookies and coffee for breakfast, dammit. And then I hid them. Because EVERYONE in the office is hot for my thin mints. Becky, I love you. I mean it. Thanks so much.

I had a good day, and heard from some old friends, and got my pictures developed from girls weekend. I brought a few pictures from Italy to my office and put them up, and after work I walked home the long way, down 6th, and went to a new yoga class, and now I feel good and healthy and loose.

And you know, things are looking up.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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