2002-04-11 - 1:18 p.m.

So the party last night. What a scene. B, who was throwing the party, asked me to come a little early, as he wanted to catch up before everyone came at 8:30. I got there about 8:20 to find him standing conspicuously inside the store front restaurant he rented for the occasion. Just him, and two other people. He practically had a conniption when he saw me. "Oh my God, it's almost 8:30 and NOONE is here, I invited 40 people, where the hell are they, they know it's a surprise, oh no what if nobody shows up, I hate throwing parties.." I tried to calm him down as much as possible without pharmaceuticals. Eventually, of course, everyone showed. At about 5 to 9, which was okay, as the guest of honor was delayed half an hour as well. After a few false alarms, with B making everyone CROUCH ON THE FLOOR, he showed up and we yelled surprise and then segued directly into a rousing chorus of happy birthday, as directed by B, who yelled at everyone about 20 times before the actual occurance: "Jump up, yell surprise, then right into happy birthday so there's no awkwardness." Man, he's a neurotic old woman. Anyway, there was good food, and beer and wine, and the birthday boy was happy, and I got to spend a little time with our friend Chris, which was great. But by 10:30 the boyfriend had had enough of being shut out of the conversation by the designer I met, who kept elbowing him out of the way to talk shop with me. So we split, and just went home. The boyfriend wanted to stop for a beer at our favorite local divebar, but since it's only two doors away from the party, we thought that might not be cool.

This morning I spent about an hour at my desk, before we were evacuated due to a gas leak. Four fire engines and two police vans showed, as we all milled around on the sidewalk waiting to see what would happen. Strange. I took the opportunity to run out for a quick manicure, and by the time I returned the crisis was over and everyone was back in the office. So here I am at my desk, dancing in my chair, when suddenly it occurs to me that everyone in the opposite building can see me - I always forget, when I'm office peeking, that my own office has windows from the ceiling to the top of my desk. They probably think I'm a freak - although I myself get a huge kick out of it if I catch someone dancing or singing in their office. I'm getting ready to go down to Ear1 to pick up my newly-tailored jeans, and then off to NJ tonight for dinner with my friend Frank - will probably update from my parents tonight.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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