2002-04-12 - 7:05 p.m.

I hired an intern today. Our PR guy basically walked into my office and said, "Here's an intern." and took off. Hmmm..ok. I didn't really know if I was there to interview her or answer her questions or whatever, so we talked about what she did at school and what she wanted to do, and then about what she would do with us. She was very cute, and very nervous, and the guy who does accessories for my company came in and asked me my opinion on a bag. I gave it, and then pointed to the intern. "This is Laurel...ask her, she's our customer." So she got to give her input, and I decided what the hell, and we worked out a schedule and that was that. On the way out, she asked me if we would be able to give her lunch or transportation or anything, so I told her we would, and that when she came in on Tuesday we'd size her and get her some clothes. You would have thought I told her she was making a grand an hour. She actually almost got choked up. So she starts next week, and we'll see how it goes.

Interestingly, I just finished reading the entry of a college intern. She was talking about how her boss told her she had to work a full day, and how that's bullshit, she's doing them a favor by working there unpaid. Hmm. I guess I'll have to give this internship more thought.

And here's where I turn into your grandpa. I was an intern, once, too, in a fashion company. And let me tell you, I don't think I've worked that hard since. I worked extra hours and volunteered for shit, and turned that burdensome internship into a burdensome, underpaid entry level job from there. Now, today, I can see I was stupid. I laugh with the boss there, when I see him at industry events. About how after I left, and they called me to try to get me back, I told them I'd never be that stupid again. Working so hard for so little. But that's what you do, isn't it? Pay your dues? Learn everything you could learn? I thought I had to EARN more responsibility, that as long as they weren't paying me they'd be perfectly happy to have me sit in front of the phones all day. I thought I was supposed to create the opportunity. And, much as I bitched about it, I got me a work ethic. Now, of course, all these years later, I want more balance. I don't want to work crazy hours, and I don't volunteer for someone else's grunt work. (unless you're my friend. In which case I'll stay late and help you file and shit)But I did all that other stuff, and with a smile on my face.

I'm not saying she's wrong,either. But I better think about this intern thing.. because I would expect her to be there when I need her to. But maybe that's just because I'm a selfish bitch now.

Oh, and I saw L1v Ty1ler in the grocery store. In her sweatpants, with no makeup on. I never really thought of her as exceptionally pretty, by Hollywood actress standards, but let me tell you. The girl is a goddess. She looked, quite literally, like she just rolled out of bed. And she was fucking radiant. Naturally, glowingly beautiful. I might have to hate her now.

Saw an apartment I LOVED today, and it's a great deal, right her in my beloved neighborhood. The boyfriend thinks it might be too small, though,so we'll have to talk about it this weekend. Going upstate to paint the living room.. I'm living the wild life, for sure. Also, am still having crazy anxiety dreams caused by all this moving in talk. I might need a shrink. More on that later.

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