2002-04-29 - 9:07 p.m.

So the weekend ended up being pretty good, if a little unproductive. I did NOT run errands, I did NOT go to yoga, and I screwed up my sleep schedule in a big way. But I did do a lot of laying around, which was much needed.

Saturday I finally got motivated about 3pm, and showered and cleaned up and met the boyfriend and Al at M0Ma, which will be closing shortly for renovation. We then came back downtown and went to C0wgirl for some food, then laid down for a disco nap around 7:30, which lasted for three blissful hours. At that point we rallied, got dressed, and went out at midnight to see our friends band play a few blocks from my apartment. It actually worked out perfectly, as his band was last and there was no way I would have been able to stay out that late without the loooong nap. Of course, we didn't get home to bed until almost 4, and I got up four and a half hours later, and then stayed up. I made coffee, the boyfriend went out for bagels and the paper, then he went off clothes shopping and I hung out in my pajamas, screwed around online, and took a bubble bath.

I went out to meet P and Chris at V1ew around 6, where I had ONE bloody mary and then escaped the clutches of those two drunk-on-a-Sunday-afternoon maniacs, went grocery shopping, and came home and tried a new recipe I found online, which was a disaster. It was supposed to be some potato-crusted red snapper thing that involved the purchase of buttermilk and dehydrated potatoes and all kinds of shit I didn't have, and then none of it stuck, so the crispy coating I'd envisioned turned out to be some clumps of garlicky crumbs stuck UNDER the snapper in the pan. It tasted pretty good, though. Plus the fish guy cut it fresh for me, so would've been hard to screw it up.

Tonight I went for an early dinner at Mary's, and then to French R0ast for coffee and cigs with P, and now I'm home. I should really be packing now, as I am leaving town on Wednesday, right from work. By packing I mean digging out one of my five million carryon bags from underneath my bed and trying to locate some capris and shorts that I can actually button. In reality, I will end up pulling out a bag tonight, possibly locating one pair of shorts I think I saw under there, and then throwing a few things in a bag on Wednesday morning and buying clothes there. Perhaps that way I'll bypass the whole buttoning of the shorts trauma. There, I just talked myself into it.

I've been reading these journals , and I recognize my own old self. *sigh* I read half of rubyfoxx's archives in one sitting. Seems like a lifetime ago, but man, I'm enjoying the trip.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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