2002-05-10 - 10:44 p.m.

I'm feeling much better today. I don't have much to say, really, but I didn't want to leave that depressing entry up front.

Lying in bed last night, some things came clear to me, and I started a dialogue with the boyfriend about them this morning, and am feeling better. Some days are just rainy.

I left work today at 2 with Deb, and we went downtown to shop a few stores. We had lunch at the diner near my apartment, and shopped a little (for work) and then walked back home. Well, I walked. Deb limped, because she was wearing ridiculous pointy toed stiletto boots, and she couldn't get a cab.

We're all going through the transition of having Deb in that position in our office, and things are not going all that smoothly. I am forced into the role of peacemaker, and it's wearing on me a little. Also, although she and I are friends, it's getting to be a bit much. She's hard to take in large doses. I'm also a little PMSy. I will not share the list of the things that I teared up at today, it's just too embarrassing.

This morning, I was waiting in the lobby of my office building, and the elevator door opened onto a tall thin young guy, with a prominent mouth, in a suit. I smiled as we passed, and he did the most godawful obscene thing with his mouth, I can't even tell you. It was a horrifying way to start the day.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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