2002-06-01 - 10:55 a.m.

This is a pretty soundproof building, and I can never hear my neighbors when we're inside our respective apartments. All the noise here comes from outside the building.

But I found out this morning that if I'm in my bathroom, and they are fighting in theirs, I can hear every word. They're the perfect neighbors, really. Helpful and friendly, while still keeping a comfortable distance.

So it felt weird and invasive to hear them fighting this morning. Mind you, this did not keep me from listening. I didn't put a glass to the wall, but I didn't exactly rush out of the bathroom to give them privacy, either. Heh.

And as for the new apartment - I talked to the boyfriend about it last night and this morning, and I had wanted him to go see it Monday morning, before anyone else sees it. It was just listed yesterday, and the broker thinks it will go quickly. But he has a meeting Monday morning, so he told me to go ahead and take it, even though he hasn't even seen it. I love that guy, really.

So unless someone else gets it first, it looks like we're going to take it. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. And it's a little bit more than we were planning to pay - I can afford it, my half of the rent will be slightly less than I'm paying now, but originally we'd hoped to save a little money. I am, however, going to have to cut back my spending a little. When I took this apartment, it seemed like a ridiculous amount of rent, but I figured it was worth it for a year or two, while I figured out what I wanted to do. I kind of assumed that I wouldn't stay here for too long, that if I wanted to stay in the city I'd move somewhere cheaper eventually. I guess that never really happens, though, unless a change of circumstance forces it.

But I really need to start saving some more money, and that rent check takes a big bite. The boyfriend says let's take it, don't worry about money, but you know, I have to pay my half. I've got issues, and I'm not comfortable with not pulling my weight, even though I make far less money than he does. Stupid, I know. I remember when I was in college, and my wealthy boyfriend wanted to take me to Hawaii for vacation. I wouldn't do it, because I couldn't afford it and felt funny about him paying for it all. How stupid I was then. I can take vacations now, but I still can't pay less than half the rent.

So I have to figure out a way to keep my day to day spending down. I don't do that much shopping, it's more like I piss it away. Magazines, books, lattes, dinner out, shopping at the expensive grocery because it's more convenient, having my laundry sent out. I'll figure it out, I suppose. I will definitely save money on going out to dinner, as I'll be far more inspired to cook in that beautiful kitchen.

And now, on this beautiful day in the city, I'm going to go to the greenmarket, and call the broker to tell him we want the apartment.

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