2002-07-10 - 6:18 p.m.

This will be a quick one, as I am running out to see Wanda in a play tonight - I feel like I've been either running around like mad, or doing stuff at home like mad, or sleeping, and so haven't had any time to write, but isn't that always the way?

My brother and his family are in town, so there's been lots of kid time, leading up to my niece's weekend in the city with me. We have some grand plans, including getting our nails done, going to the Br0nx Z00 to see the babies (babies are out), street fairs, pizza, and a museum or two. We are also planning to make a scrapbook of her trip, which will surely suck ass as she refuses to have her picture taken, and doesn't want to TAKE pictures of things herself if you suggest them.

We went on Tuesday to the Statue of Liberty and E11is Isl@nd, which she was mighty excited about - until we got there. She did take some pictures of the statue from the ferry, but the truth is she was more interested in the gift shops than the path of the immigrants. To be expected, at 7 years old, I suppose - but she acts so grown up that sometimes I forget she's only 7. Especially when I hear her say things in the sarcastic tone that my brother and I both use so often. Heh.

Over 4th of July they came upstate with us, the whole family, and on our hike to the waterfall she said, " So I guess you're not going to have any kids." And I said, "Why do you say that? We're not even married yet, we'll get there." And she said, "Because! By the time you get pregnant you'll be, like, 50!" Geez, thanks, kid. I think my mother may have paid her to say that.

And in other news:

1. My old apartment. Still not rented. However, I did convince my crotchety old building agent that he needs to lower the rent. My tactic? "The rent is too high - do a little homework. Rents have gone down after Sept 11 - and you can stick me until the end of the year if you want, but you ain't gonna have better luck finding someone to take an overpriced walkup apartment in the middle of winter." heh. So here's hoping.

2. The girls in my office are sucking the life right out of me. Maria told me today that I had a poppy seed in my teeth, and asked me if no one in my office (we're all friends) told me. I told her that neither of them could possibly tear their attention away from themselves long enough to notice. It's like the battle of the giant egos, in one small office. I feel like giving everyone a time out.

3. The new living arrangement has been blissful, thus far. No big adjustments, no big arguments, fairly easy routine. I'm probably not getting as much alone time as I'd like, but I'm crazy busy so I'll have to work on that one later.

4. The heat has broken a bit, but my temper has not lowered with it. I've been walking around keeping a tight rein, lest I lose it on some inconsiderate asswipe who can't MOVE INTO THE TRAIN. Maybe I need to start taking cabs.

5. I am still broke. Broke till August. Only 22 more days till I can breathe. Must work on this neurosis.

There are probably 5 more, but I gotta go. Brad is going to meet us for a quick dinner before we go see the show. My mom and Jane are coming in -oh, forgot to mention. Jane was here with me Monday night, and went to see the sights with us on Tuesday. She's leaving tomorrow though. Too damn short.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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