2002-07-19 - 7:26 p.m.

I left work and walked into a strange metallic gray sky, a strange dry wind, and the smell of rain in the air. It was really bizarre, the onset of a storm, and I made it all the way to the subway, home and a block away before the skies opened up, and I was drenched in about 2 minutes. Once I was already wet, though, I didn't mind, and walked the rest of the way, umbrella-less, and my chin up to keep my wet hair from plastering across my head. It poured, thunder and lightening, for about half an hour, clouding my windows and sending all the little figures down on the street huddling for cover under awnings.

So I ordered in sushi (yes, yes, I know I'm broke..) and I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm watching VH1s Hot Celebrity Couples or some shit. They just showed a photo of St1ng, doing yoga poses in some sort of briefs. They just flashed it, for a second - um, can I get that video?

I got a bizarre phone call today, from a woman claiming to be from my past. I HATE when people do that to me, although I admit that I like doing it, myself. Turned out to be my junior high school best friend - haven't spoken to her in 10 years. And I loved her, and do still, I found. As a matter of fact, I'm going to call her tonight and make some plans. So that was great, and it was as if we'd spoken yesterday. We talked about our lives, and I was explaining to her that I had just moved in with the boyfriend, as I have some commitment issues. You'd be shocked, I said.

And she said, "You've always been like that. You've always been the reluctant one." Wow. This is bringing up some uncomfortable feelings in me, a sort of disruption in the smooth veneer I'd painted over all the work I have left to do. Work on me, I mean. The past few months, well, I just haven't. Haven't dealt with it, or thought about it, just got caught up in life. And damn, it felt good. Nice to not think everything to death, nice to just feel. There are some things cropping up, though, and I guess it's time to start dealing with it.

And what's with all these people from my past getting in touch lately? Must mean something.

And now my sushi's here, and if the rain stops maybe I'll go out and do some things. Or maybe I'll be back later.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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