2002-07-21 - 9:25 p.m.

Saturday morning was beautiful, sunny and warm, and I was heading over to the Greenmarket when I saw a huge cloud of billowing black smoke coming from the east side. I got to the corner of University, and saw people standing, transfixed, staring at it. Three fighter jets flew overhead as we stood there, and immediately everyone got on their cell phones. I had forgotten mine, and I turned around and quickly headed home, filled with fear. At the corner of 5th, I stopped and asked a doorman what he'd heard, and he said there was a fire at a tranformer at the ConEd plant. Knocked out power to all of the Village and Soho.

The smoke, the planes - for a minute, everyone panicked. You saw the same look on every face. Because anything can happen. So the resulting power outage for the rest of the day didn't seem like such a big deal. Well, the climb to the 11th floor in the dark wasn't that much fun. But we went up past 14th St, where the lights were on, and had a burger and went to the Greenmarket, and then stopped in Chelsea for a beer, and Brad met us. We went home and took a nap, and by 8:30 the power was back. We went to the East Village for dinner, and then came back home and watched movies in bed. Pretty low key, aside from the lack of elevator. Today we went to the game, which was great (I like day games better, I decided) and now it's Sunday night, and I went grocery shopping and made spinach lasagna, and I STILL haven't gotten all the shit out of my old apartment.

But there's something to be said for relaxing weekends, right?

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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