2002-07-31 - 7:51 p.m.

This morning on the subway, a very eccentric woman got on at my stop, with a man. She had on white cotton ankle socks with her sandals, and shorts and a tank top, and a very strange bucket type hat on her head. I was hanging on the the pole, reading my book, when she starts up a strange and meaningless story, to her friend, about kids. Which ended, at my destination, with the following:

So my brother? He has the kids, right? And they're very cute, they're great, they play, they love to play, they're very interested in playing, they're really great. And they were on vacation, and they were playing in the buff, and my brother got the video camera, and all of a sudden the little girl pulled the little boys peeper. ON TAPE. She pulled his PEEPER on TAPE! Isn't that so funny? On tape. Isn't that so cute?" I looked up, directly into the eyes of a swarthy young guy in a suit. I rolled my eyes, and as we walked off the train he said out of the side of his mouth, "Yeah, that's fuckin' ADORABLE." Heh. Deb advised me that the next time someone said something like to me, I am to grab his arm and drag him to the office, because he's going to be her husband.

And in more pressing news, I have yet another taker on the apartment. Well, the broker does. And they already paid him the $100 to run their credit check, so here's hoping. It's $140 a month less than I was paying, and my agent is insisting that I have to pay the difference until the end of my lease, which is December. This royally sucks, but it's less than having to pay even one month more of that rent. And since he's such a miserable prick, I'm going over his head. I told my story to my old neighbors (an aside: I miss my neighbors. I went over there yesterday and suddenly there were six of us standing outside the bookstore, commiserating on my situation.) And they gave me the phone number of the OWNER, an 86 year old millionaire who lives on Long Island. They know him. So I'm going to call him up, and tell him that the agent didn't show the apartment ONCE, that I did it all myself, and that he's been overcharging me market value for the first half of the year, and can he please please please not make me pay the difference? I told this plan to the boyfriend, who said, "Ok, but DON'T GET ANGRY." I was all indignant, what? And he said, "you know. Don't get ANGRY like you do." I told him that just because I don't play and manipulate HIM to get what I want, doesn't mean I don't know how to do it. I'm the master.

I don't like to do it, though. Prefer to use my powers for good, ha. Honestly, I have really made that change. It's always been relatively easy for me to get what I want, to get people to do what I want. I'm good at reading, good at gauging what someone WANTS from me. But, although it does facilitate much, it's to my detriment. Makes me resentful, eventually. So I've stopped, mostly. I need to speak my own mind, and keep my own counsel. The people-pleasing gene is a hard one to beat back, though.

Ok, my dragon rolls just got here, so I'm going to eat, and then out to see a band play at the boyfriend's friends cheesy club. And you know how I love those. The boyfriend is already out, no doubt having a few drinks to steel himself for an evening of my snarkiness.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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