2002-09-10 - 5:24 p.m.

You know, people are taking me off their favorite lists like crazy these days. Dropping like flies, they are. I'm not sure how to take that... am I boring now? Not funny? Ok, I know I don't update much, but I'm not nearly as bad as some people . Hmph.

It's been hard, people. Hard to update, now that I'm shacking up. Hard to keep it private - I don't really spend much time online, so if I'm sitting there for any length of time, it arouses his interest. He gets all excited, like maybe I'm looking up recipes or something. Heh. And work, well, work is insanely busy, and we are all in and out of each others office every five minutes. So I'm having a hard time getting quality d-land time. Maybe I should just clue the boyfriend in on the online journal thing (not mine, just the whole community of it) -he'll surely lose interest then.

So. Tomorrow. I read all the diaries where people talk about their Sept 11 entries, and how they're working on them. I read a few that are already posted. And you know what? I won't be doing one.

There is nothing I can add, nothing I can say that will make me feel any better or change one damn thing. And frankly, I don't know how many people outside NYC can really understand that we live with it all day every day. Two weeks of television coverage? No, thank you. Everyone has their own way of dealing, of grieving, of coping with it. I will attend the memorial at the hospital tomorrow morning. I'll go out to lunch with my girls, and go the Park for a candlelight vigil tomorrow evening. What I will not do is sit down and write a moving or memorial entry. Maybe I'll come home and record what I saw, the candles and the people and the community. But that's it.

Had a fabulous weekend, saw my girls for dinner on Saturday and my family on Sunday, and then we houseguests Sunday and Monday nights. That's two nights of late night drinking (last night: tequila) which is most unlike me, and now, at 5pm,, has thoroughly kicked my ass. I promise I'll try to be better with the updates. Quit dropping me off your favorites lists, mmkay? I'm getting a complex.

last - next

last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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