2002-10-09 - 11:49 p.m.

Oh, iB00k, how I want you. My shitty secondhand laptop at home is mere minutes away from being chucked out the window, after which I will lean out the window and watch it fall, 11 stories to the pavement, and smash to bits. And then I will laugh, maniacally.

And I want the iB00k. My visual director at work has one, pearly white, and we sit in meetings and he talks asthetics and wood grain and I just stare longingly at his computer, eyes glazed over. So why don't I get one? I'm gainfully employed, and while I do piss away money daily on nonsense, I never really treat myself to anything big. And then there's the writing. I really, really need to be writing. I could probably even get it for Christmas, from the boyfriend, if I told him it was the only thing I wanted. *

So why don't I? Because I don't feel WORTHY of the iB00k. That thing is capable of all kinds of magical things, none of which I know how to do. I could probably get a computer at W@l M@rt, in the kids section, that would allow me ample room to max out my vast computer capabilities. But damn, I want that thing. Any of you, feel free to talk me into it.

*When I was a kid, maybe 6 or 7 years old, my parents asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I promptly replied, "A Pomeranian puppy." My mother, still recovering from my last dog, a rogue mutt named Barney that pissed all over the house, said, "Well, what if Santa doesn't have any Pomeranian puppies? What do you want then?" And I said, "Nothing. If he doesn't have Pomeranians then I don't want anything."Ooooh, so evil. And of course, I got the Pomeranian puppy, under the tree in a fabric lined box on Christmas morning. And there you have it, my friends. The root of my problems. The boyfriend, by the way, is HORRIFIED by this story, and lives in fear of having a child just like me.

I had a good night last night, a few friends over for drinks and some funk, and then dinner at J0hn's Pizza and on to the Kn1tting F@ctory, where we saw a girl play guitar in the Tap Bar and met our friend A, and his friend Robin. She's a photographer, and a very cool woman, and she lives in a funky loft that she's had for 18 years, with a bathroom that prompted me to shout, on first sight, "Oh my GOD!" She also had the coolest cat on the planet, with a smartass expression on its face, I swear. Much fun, and I think we'll be friends.

And tonight I came out to NJ to help my Mom shop for an outfit for a party she has this weekend, and I took her out for her first sushi dinner. We traipsed through the store, me acting as personal shopper and efficiency expert, as my Mom tends to get distracted these days. She bought an outfit, and I bought myself a hat. A pink, fuzzy angora K@ng0l bucket hat. I don't know what came over me, because that hat is the exact opposite of me. I can't wait for it to be cold enough to wear it.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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