2002-12-09 - 7:20 p.m.

This morning I saw something horrifying on the subway. I was standing, on the uptown 9, when I spotted an empty seat near the door. I moved over there and saw why it was empty. Someone SPIT, a big nasty loogie, on the back of the seat. And it was dripping down, slowly. I almost gagged right there, then stood there across from it and averted my gaze. At the next stop, I had to move back into the train to let people on, and I lost sight of it. Once the crush of people had entered, I manuevered my way back to my (prime) original location, just in time to see a woman sit down in that seat. It was like a nightmare, or maybe a Se1nfeld moment, but by the time my brain moved passed the horror and processed what was happening, she settled in. And just as I opened my mouth to warn her, she tossed her long hair back over her shoulder and leaned back, resting her head against the wall. AAAAUUUUGGHHHH!!!I couldn't even think about it for the rest of the day without activating my gag reflex. What is WRONG with people? Who SPITS on the train? I'd like to say I'd smack someone if I caught them doing it, but it was probably someone insane and I'd end up all scared, huddling as close as possible to the nearest large man. It was a truly disgusting way to start my day.

My weekend SPED by, I was so not ready to work today, and got virtually nothing done. I even read some journals. Shhh. Well, I had to. It was so cold in there this morning that I had to warm up my fingers before I could write.

All I really did this weekend was shop. And my strange Christmas spirit has definitely been dampened by it. I spent HOURS in T0ys R Us, waiting in long lines and pawing through bins, and spending way too much time contemplating the B@rbies for the kids whose letters I got. The upside was that the place was THRONGED with people answering those letters, mostly gay men. I'm not sure why that is, except that maybe they don't have children and so they reach out. There were no less than 6 gay couples in the B@rbie department, discussing the clothes sizing and asking me who the hell Kelly is. They told me what they were doing, I said I was too, and 4 other people chimed in that they, too, had letters.

And then - the Uni0n Squ@re holiday market. I re-read my last years entry about the market, where I waxed rhapsodic about shopping outside, spending the day wandering around all the little stalls, buying soap and tile coasters and hot cider. I loved it. This year, not so much. The difference? Last year at this time, I was UNEMPLOYED. It was a weekday, and I had the luxury of spending entire days wandering the city, looking for Christmas gifts and listening to carolers. This year, I'm shoving my way past throngs of people dragging their strollers through the stores, waiting in long lines, and feeling generally stressed and unorganized. Don't get me wrong, I am mighty thankful for my job. But it'd be nice to have a few weeks off right about now. I'm sure there's a long line for the job that gives you that.

So I still didn't get a tree, and I didn't do any wrapping, and I didn't get to the post office to get stamps for my cards today. How many days 'till Christmas? Must. Make. Lists.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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