2002-12-18 - 10:43 a.m.

This morning, in the dark and freezing cold, I found myself out on the sidewalk in front of my building, on my way to the gym. The boyfriend had an early morning flight, and so when he left the house at 6, I decided to get up and drag my sorry ass to the gym, since I was awake anyway. So it was freezing, and my hair was in a ponytail for running, resulting in painfully frozen ears, and I left the lobby and looked down. And there in front of me was a page torn from a magazine, with the bold face headline 'Jack Frosted my balls' Ha! I looked around and saw that the rest of the magazine was scattered all over the sidewalk, but it was too cold to stop and try to find the rest of the story. Apparently, I'm not reading nearly enough gay porn. Frosted my balls. I'm still laughing.

Anyway, the gym thing. I went and ran for half an hour, then came back, made coffee, showered, and had time to watch the news and clean up the house for the cleaning woman. (Why yes, I have turned into my mother, thanks for asking. When I was a kid I never understood why we had to clean up for the cleaning person... but now that I'M paying, I realize I don't want her to spend one minute of my allotted cleaning time picking up my shit. Also, I don't want her to think I'm a pig, and then tell her doorman husband.)

I sat on the subway on the way to work, and sat there looking around at everyone, and I realized that I felt great. Physically and mentally. Got to work in no time, had the door to my building held open by one of the addicts downstairs*, and found the slowest elevator on the planet waiting for me in the lobby, saving me 10 minutes, and it was toasty warm in my office. So what if I don't have my Christmas shopping done? So what if every night this week I have some obligatory work related event? I've got ENDORPHINS, baby.

You'd think I'd do it more often, wouldn't you?

In other news, Monday night was our work party - well, it was more like a meeting, and it was all very nice, but the real news is that they gave away a CAR. A luxury car, no less. And a flat screen TV, and an ibook, and a trip. Did I win any of them? No, I did not. And I was so ready to turn in the car for cash, too. Dammit. One party down, three more to go.

Oh, and K1d R0ck? You know I hate you, right? You and your skanky girlfriend? So why oh why did you have to come out with that song with Sheryl that I LOVE? How can I keep my hatred burning when I'm singing that stupid thing all day long? Damn you.

* I don't think I ever mentioned that the first few floors of our office building belong to a drug treatment program. Makes for some interesting mornings.

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she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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