2003-01-20 - 12:14 a.m.

I spent the day with my Mom and my Nan, shopping and eating and family-gossiping, and then drove back to the city and parked my car in the expensive but convenient lot next door, because it's cold and I don't feel well and I didn't want to take it all the way over to its outdoor lot in the dark. *sigh* This means that I will have to move it in the morning, but I don't have to be at work until late, so it won't be so bad. I'll get myself coffee-from-the-deli for motivation.

Anyway, I came home tonight and opened the window to smoke a cigarette, and I looked up. The moon is full, but there's a gauzy haze of clouds across it, and the sky looks almost blue. The apartment above me has a half balcony, and it's held up by twin stone..brackets, sort of, ornately carved. And when I squatted down a little, and looked up, all I could see was the scrolled stone bracket of the balcony, the sky, and that crazy moon. I tried to take a picture of it, but my camera has mysteriously lost its new lithium battery. Very strange. It was truly amazing, though, and I wished I could draw it.

I scared myself tonight, by actually considering buying something from one of those horrific infomercials, you know the ones, when they have these horrible realistic-looking people, with garish makeup and plastered on smiles, and they use little special effects like a shining star on each item in the multi-piece set that can be yours for the low, low price of $19.95? And all the food looks crazy, colored to hues not found in nature. Anyway, it's basically a teflon donut tray, like a muffin tin, and the commercial is so bad, inexplicably horrible, but still, I thought about it. Hmmm. Donuts without all the fat and oil! (Illustrated to me by a sizzling pan of hot grease, with a red line through it in the infomercial)Maybe I should get those....it passed, luckily. No matter how bad I feel this week, I've got to get out of the house.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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