2003-01-29 - 10:47 p.m.

Some weird shit is going on in my stats and my buddy list, and I'm starting to get a little freaked out. Could someone who really knows me find out it's me? I write pretty anonymously, I think, but if someone knows me, knows my stories..well, I suppose it could happen. I shouldn't worry about that, right?

We went out for my Mom's birthday dinner last night, back to Cr1spo, and it was fabulous. However, I left my credit card there. I called today, when I opened my wallet and it wasn't there, and they said yes, they had it, I could come pick it up. So I took the subway home from work, and got off a mere block and half from the restaurant, and proceeded on my merry way back to my apartment, thinking of dinner and completely forgetting about the card. And by the time I got home, that was it. I'm sick, did I mention? Just a cold, but am alternately congested and thick headed, and spinning and nose-running from the cold medicine I take. So I ordered in chicken soup (bad girl) and we watched some political talk shows, and then the boyfriend went out for a beer with his friend, around the corner, and I put on my pajamas and made tea and hopped on here.

I'm feeling really good these days (aside from the complaining above) and I'm really aware of it, appreciative, even. I think the sniveling NYer article got to me, because the other day, walking to the office, I had an epiphany, an entirely new feeling; I was thinking how fucking cold it was, and how I could not possibly wear any more clothing, and then suddenly I thought about how glad I was to have what I had, gloves to keep my hands from freezing, a coat and tights and cashmere socks and boots. And it was just like a little click, a little tilt to the landscape. There has been no transformation of my personality nor my habits, but things look just a little different. Pretty cool.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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