2003-02-12 - 9:08 p.m.

I have been really inhibited lately by the shenanigans going on in my stats. And really, I don't have that much to say, anyway. Work is the same - the upside to all this is that I have lost three pounds on the high stress diet. The show was great, but I was fried, really, and passed on the cool kid party afterward. Feh. Also cancelled my drink plans with Jerry for tonight, as had to stay at work. He made me promise to do it tomorrow night, a little later, but I already know I'll have to cancel. The boyfriend is away on business, coming home tonight, and I've been too wiped out to miss him at the end of the day. I'll be glad to see him.

And I'm really not looking forward to flying this weekend, or being away when we're about to go to war. But I will, I will take a deep breath and pack my bags and fly, because that's what we're doing, aren't we? I look around at my office, at all the people, some of whom are friends, and I think, Ok, well, we're going. All of us, together. It's freaky, and I'd be lying if I said it isn't getting to me.

While I am aware of it on some level, I am also in denial a bit. I read diaries of people (hi Rain!) who are preparing, just in case. She writes about emergency backpacks and copying ID and bank statements, and I sit here thinking that I don't have shit, I don't even have enough water to get me through tomorrow, just a half-full Brita. I know that this is the prudent thing to do, to stockpile cash and make arrangements, and I did make the boyfriend agree on a meeting place, so that's something. It made me feel a little better to do that, too. But the rest of it? I just CAN'T. I've been trying to avoid the subway, too. But sometimes, convenience wins out. It'll be freezing, and I'll be late, and the subway is the quickest way to work, so I'll take it. And I'll think,it's late, it's an off hour, they would attack during rush hour, right? Maximum damage potential. It'll be all right now.*sigh* It's sick.

Not sure I'll get a chance to get back here before I go, although I'll try. Keep your fingers crossed, ok?

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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