2003-05-15 - 7:25 p.m.

Still in the '50s and grey here, rain forecasted for the next two days, and I am feeling it, still. In addition, my systems at work have been out sporadically for the last two days, and I'm ready to kill someone. Am trying to talk myself into following through with my plan of going to the movies tonight, to the Screen1ng R00m, my favorite, but I could really just put on my pajamas and sit my ass on the couch all night (again.) Must motivate. They do have the best popcorn there, real actual popcorn instead of the styrofoam-like standard issue movie popcorn - that should be incentive enough, no? And would fit right into my pattern of bipolar eating today: breakfast was strawberries and a hard boiled egg, two bottles of water and a large coffee (virtuous) - lunch was bbq chicken and ribs with onion rings, cornbread, and corn on the cob dripping with butter, followed up by an Alm0nd J0y.(disgusting) Popcorn for dinner should round it out nicely.

I've been consumed with thoughts of writing, have just finished 'Unless' by Car0l Sh1elds, which is essentially a book about a woman writer writing about a woman writer (follow?) Still, though, all thinking and no doing - and I seem to have lost my taste for pen to paper, at least for the time being. The keyboard is where I feel most comfortable, but am having trouble putting things down, so am trying hard to stick to this after my little hiatus, trivial as the entries may be.

Am feeling tense, slightly foggy, extra annoyed by petty issues at work. I definitely need an attitude adjustment - maybe this weekend.

last - next

last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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