2003-06-06 - 5:44 p.m.

Happy today, happy today. I had a boyfriend once, a crazy ole boyfriend who had plaster molds of his teeth and a dead cicada bug glued to the dashboard of his car,(ahh, rebellious teenage years) and he used to say that all the time, happy today, but he made it into a little singsong, like happy to-DAAAY, happy to-DAAAY. Heh.

But really, I feel great today. Why? The sun, my friends. The sun is back. I woke up this morning with it streaming through the window, and I cracked, "Wh-wh-what is this bright light?"

AND I broke out of the gotta-get-this done mindset and split the office at 12:30, went and had my hair done, then did a little wandering and shopping, ending up at the picnic tables on the sidewalk outside Vesuvio Park, drinking iced coffee and cracking wise with a headhunter who somehow got my cell phone number. Wouldn't tell me how.

Bought a beautiful hand tooled silver bracelet for my goddaughter's 16th birthday tomorrow, from a gorgeous man of inscrutable ethnicity...Hawaiian? Asian? American Indian? Hot, whatever. And in half an hour I'm going to go to the dry cleaner and get my nails and toes done, and then I plan to kick around with the boyfriend in the Village before we head to Tribeca to see a band at midnight. I don't often get to share my wandering the street lovefests with the boyfriend, as he's the kind of guy who needs a destination. But you guys know how I love that, when it's nice out, the parade of people and the wandering and the random scheduling... ice cream on Bleecker Street at 7pm, deciding on Chinatown or soft guy S0h0 or trying to sneak into Blue R1bb0n before the dinner crowd. And you know, you can do anything here, any time.

And I had a little lovefest with a Pekinese named Vinny on the way home. Cracked me up. Vinny.

See, I'm no so hard to please. Just a little sunlight.


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