2003-08-16 - 2:30 p.m.

I actually wrote this on 8/5 - I suck.

So I went to Atlanta, last week, seems like a month ago already. And you know, I knew I should have written about it right away, but I just haven't had time. And the longer I go, the harder it is, to recount it, I mean. But I had a quick trip into Atlanta, one night only, and after a day of meetings, an hour of work in my room, and an obligatory cocktail party, I met Joleen at a great little bistro/coffeehouse, one of her favorites, and here's the deal. (I told her I was going to blow her cover..) She is a thousand times lighter, and happier, and more fun then she portrays herself to be in her journal - in fact, she is currently embroiled in a little online melee, and the words slung were bitter, lonely, angry. She may be angry, but certainly no more angry than me! And she is pretty and happy and really, very, I don't know, light.

I was wiped from my endless day, having got up at 5:15 to make the morning flight, and I didn't get to the place until after ten, so I figured we'd be tired, it was late, we'd stay for an hour. We talked about a million things, real things, politics and feminism and role models for girls, and TV and diaryland and the waitress' career aspirations (she was very sparkly, the waitress. I was mesmerized by her eyelids, in my weakened mental state) and tattoos and sex and prejudice. We really talked, about all that and more, and before I knew it they were closing up around us, and it was 1am. It was really great, and we discussed the online journal thing, how you meet someone after reading their thoughts and lives, and it really is like you already know them. At least it was for us - one funny thing, though, I had already seen her picture, so I knew exactly who she was. She told me, though, that I didn't look anything like she'd imagined , yet she couldn't tell me what exactly she thought. Other than brunette. (I'm blonde, btw. Joleen asked that I mention it, as apparently I have been giving off brunette vibes) So thank you, Joleen, and I'll definitely be seeing you next trip!

And I did get delayed on my flight out, as usual. I have decided that I am not meant to leave this city. Ever. Despite this, however, I will be getting my ass on another flight on Thursday, this time to San Francisco, on a sad mission, unfortunately. A friend of ours died two weeks ago, expectedly, from a terminal illness. This weekend is the weekend her wedding was supposed to be, on the west coast. And at the grooms request, we are still going, to be with him. My heart breaks, for a million reasons, and I cannot fathom how he could put himself through the torture of going out there, to the place they'd have been married, on the day he'd have given her the only thing she wanted, a family of her own. And although they knew how short their time would be, they were going to do it, set the date as a symbol of hope and faith, and she missed it. I am sad and sorry, and while it is not my tragedy, it's a trip we need to make.

And you know, I was going to write about a bunch more stuff, but I think that's all I've got in me, all of a sudden.

Maybe more later.

last - next

last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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