2003-08-21 - 12:24 p.m.

I was running late this morning, and so I grabbed a cab on 6th Avenue. The cab driver drove slowly, staying in his lane regardless of the traffic, hitting every single red light. Now, the first rule of NYC driving is DO NOT STAY IN YOUR LANE. Those lines in the street are just guidelines.. you look for openings and you take them, period. The point of taking a cab to work is that it's faster than the subway, you see? Not today. He rode his brakes, stopping if he thought the light was going to turn: second rule of driving in NYC is yellow light means floor it. Not come to a screeching halt 5 full seconds before the light even turns, causing backups behind you and a cacophony of horns which I do not need to be hearing at 9am. So anyway, I say to the driver, "excuse me, but I'm kind of in a hurry..." and he FREAKED OUT. Didn't even let me finish, started yelling and waving his hand, "You want me to get ticket? You gonna pay ticket? You got money? You pay ticket and then maybe I hurry up.." Sheesh. Relax, man. I guess this wasn't the first time he's heard this.

So I've noticed that all the girls in my office dress like whores. Ok, well, not all. But 80%, and that's close enough for me. Yesterday we went upstairs for a birthday cake for MITM, and as we stood there waiting for him to come in, I took a look around the room. We have a whole cadre of identical little hoochies in this office, and I for one can't even tell them apart. All have long dark hair, dark tans, and every single one shows her belly every single day. Miniskirts, tube tops, halters. And as far I can tell, that's their job. I asked someone, "who the hell are all these girls?" and he said, "I don't know, maybe interns." And all I have to say about that is this: if we have four thousand half dressed interns parking their asses here all day, why is my refrigerator never full of water? Why do I have to send my assistant to Fedex? There is something seriously wrong with this place. Although I think the wrongness extends far beyond my office, come to think of it. And at the risk of sounding like some tight assed cranky old lady, I am horrified that they come to work like that. Really, sweetie, I'm sure your brand new paid for tits are lovely, but I don't need to see them.

Ok, back to work. I'm leaving for Vegas on Saturday morning, but I'll be back before then.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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