2003-10-03 - 6:52 p.m.

I had a fabulous night home alone last night, my first in ages. The place was clean, the candles were burning, and I went out and bought myself a steak and fresh spinach and arugula, and I sat in front of the TV and savored every bite of it, I cleaned up and read some journals and drank tea and talked to my girlfriend for an hour on the phone. I love the boyfriend, you know I do, but no newspapers strewn all over the couch, no shoes on the floor, no ESPN on TV. Nice.

Tonight we're going upstate, and my parents are coming up tomorrow morning. We'll go to W00dstock and my Mom and I will go apple picking, and we'll probably go show them the new version of our old bar. I have to try to dig up some sweaters, as I have no idea where I put them (my parents? my attic? upstate?) and last week I came across a shitload of spring clothes from last year that I loved, at my mom's. Dammit. I went the whole season without wearing them, forgot all about them, actually.

I am also in dire need of a bookcase for this place. We have one, the boyfriends ugly pine slat thing from IKEA, but it doesn't go with my tuscan gold walls and the copper sconces.And it doesn't fit both our books,mine are currently piled high under a sofa table in my bedroom, stacked on my bedside table, and all over the living room. I am of the one piece at a time school of decorating. I have never in my life gone out and furnished a room, all at once. I buy a dresser here, a wall mirror there, as I find things that speak to me and/or can afford them, and I make do otherwise. So last month I bought a dresser, a big beautiful mahogany antique from the place down the street. It fits twice as much as my last one, and is more than twice as beautiful. I love it unreasonably. So next on the list, when I have some money and I find one, is the bookcase.

But maybe not. Because I was in the bedroom before, the bedroom that we just painted olive green with glossy white trim, two feet of molding at the ceiling, and my new dresser and the painting of the Queen, and the scrolled iron screen for a headboard, and I noticed that my bedding is just fucking hideous. I don't know what I was thinking when I bought it, and that was almost 6 years ago. What's wrong with me? I never even notice it, and it is truly horrendous. So I think that may have bumped the bookcase down a notch.

Fascinating, wasn't that? Sorry, it's pretty much all I've got, and dammit, I have to start writing again.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
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she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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