2003-11-20 - 9:25 p.m.

Tonight is my last night home alone, and I decided to try to make banana bread. Actually, I have been trying to make banana bread for about two weeks now, and I think I've thrown out about three bunches of bananas due to proscratination. The first night I realized my Cr1sco was rancid. The second, that I didn't have a loaf pan. So I went out and got all that stuff, and the buttermilk, and then I threw out the bananas, but at least I had the rest of the stuff. Anyway, you get the picture. Tonight was the night. I never bake, although I cook most nights, and now I remember why. I'm bad at directions. Cooking is far more forgiving.

I got everything out, beat the eggs, checked my cookbook (The L@dy and S0ns...sooo good) The recipe said to cream the shortening and sugar, but when I tried it just didn't look right. So I threw it out and started over. Looked the same. Ok, moving on. I pour the buttermilk, and it comes out watery, so I close it up and shake it, and it pours thick - but it smells. Sour. I debated for about ten minutes, then decided to go to the expert. I called my grandmother, who told me it was supposed to smell like that, and after I put in the measured amount I thought it was still too dry. So I put in just a leeeetle more. Ahem. By the time I put the bananas in it looked kind of watery, but whatever. I pour it into a loaf pan (disposable) and it looks like there's too much batter for the pan, but you know, I made it work. Except that when the timer went off after 45 minutes, it looked like a souffle. And had spilled all over the side of the pan, which I at least had the foresight to place on a cookie sheet. So at least there's no burned banana stuck to the oven rack. But that thing is huge. And it's been in the oven for over an hour now - still not done.

I never learn. Should stick to Christmas cookies.

Also, much drama at work still. Today, the president of my company sent me an email telling me he needed to talk to me today, privately. This does not sound good to me, as he is in a power struggle with Deb, and it all puts me in a very awkward position. And on top of it, he never followed up. Blech. Friday, at least.

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