2004-01-29 - 8:46 a.m.

So we went away this weekend for my Mom's milestone birthday, and it was fabulous. Not least because it was 80 degrees and sunny, and I got a little tan, even. The break from the icy hell of this city was much appreciated. My brother and his family went as well, and we went to the beach and the pool and the hottub, and went shelling and ate seafood and went fishing, and I talked my Mom into parasailing! My niece went with her, and it was way cool. I took a million pictures, and the guy running the parasail boat took some with his 35 mm (he took pity on my high tech 7-11 disposable Kodak), a whole roll, and then he gave me the film!! Wasn't that nice? Let me tell you, in a different time me and that boat guy would be having dinner that night. Ah, blissful commitment. (Joking. Sort of) So it was lovely, and my flight home was uneventful, and now, same old same old.

Well, except that I went and met A and a few of his friends for dinner last night -- he's back in town, looking for a place. We had a great time, actually, and I met two, two, cool girls that I could possibly be friends with. Amen to that. We totally bonded immediately, and we talked about divorce and Sex @nd the C1ty and relationships and men in NYC and sex toys and catty girls. And we shared a lipstick in the ladies room, to leave our lip imprints on the wall as is custom there. And A, well, when I see him after a long absence he's very..... attentive. I don't know how else to describe it, although there's more to it than that. It was very comfortable, and good to see him, but this morning I felt conflicted about it, about seeing him. Maybe I shouldn't. There's something about an impending wedding that brings 'em out of the woodwork.

And tonight I had dinner with my therapist friend Ellen, and we caught up on each others lives and then her sister met us for dinner at V1ll@ge, my new favorite neighborhood restaurant because the food is good AND they let dogs in the bar area. And we also talked about relationships - and marriage, and kids, and expectations. It's hard to know where the line is, sometimes, between reality and cynicism. Years ago, my friend Kathy married a real asshole. She was pregnant, and went on to have another a few years later, and she stayed at home, while he ran around doing god only knows what. And she didn't talk about it, really - at one point I made my feelings about him known and she made it clear she didn't want to hear it, so I respected that, and our friendship continued, unchanged. But at one point she said, "This is what I wanted - to have kids and stay home with them. This was my choice. And I figured out after the first baby that I could resent it and be miserable, or accept it. I accepted it, and let me tell you, I'm much happier now." At the time, I thought that was terribly sad and half hearted. But she's got something there, doesn't she?

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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