2004-02-05 - 9:43 p.m.

I've been looking forward to writing here all day, as the boyfriend is out at the big ski sale in NJ (he just called to see what kind of gloves I like) and now here I am, and nothing. Gone.

So I'll just get it over with and discuss this whole superbowl hoo ha for a minute. Ok, it was inappropriate. Clearly it was planned. But you know something? I hear people saying, "I was watching with my 4, 5,8 year old son.." And ok, I can see that maybe a boy's first glimpse of a bare breast with a GIANT METAL CLAMP attached to it could be traumatic. But how about the daughters? Even if she had really planned for the lace to remain. Yes, we'd have been spared the Ren Faire breast, but the fact remains that he would still have been stalking after her and TEARING HER SHIRT OFF. Like that's ok, desirable even, since a big star was doing it during halftime. How come nobody's talking about that?

Do you know that on all the grandpa political talk shows the boyfriend watches, they spent a week debating this?

And that was about how she did it to push the envelope, that we as a society have become so used to sex and violence that people feel they have to go further, and that's why she did it. And again, I find a different angle more disturbing. That a woman, a talented multimillionaire singer, felt that the only way she could REALLY get people talking is by showing her tit. People with gifts shouldn't be resorting to showing their bodies for attention - it's a travesty, is what it is. If it was a man, he'd be planning a big blowout pyrotechnics show, or jamming with a special guest, or figuring out how to make a mark by, you know, USING HIS TALENT. It's fucking sickening, honestly.

Oh, and talking heads? You're giving her the very thing you're denouncing her for wanting. Dumbasses.

Or do you think I'm hypersensitive?

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